HeimgardTechnologiesAS / cordova-plugin-advanced-websocket

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Software caused connection abort #20

Closed EinfachHans closed 3 years ago

EinfachHans commented 3 years ago

We currently have some Error Reports that Websockets are not working correctly. After investigating into this and sending device logs to server. We have very muchof these errors:

{"webSocketId":"f7653acf-f03e-4f04-8523-9277556df169","code":1006,"exception":"Read error: ssl=0x71d93c2208: I/O error during system call, Software caused connection abort","callbackMethod":"onFail"}

If this happens, our apps try to reconnect and this happens again, after sending / receiving 1-2 messages.

Can you please investigate into this and help me out? 😊

EinfachHans commented 3 years ago

@chax Anything you ca do here? We have a highly important app (works with the police / emergency data / live position updates) - this is quite important for us!

chax commented 3 years ago

This to me looks like a Server error, but I can't be sure without some more details. Did you try with pure http websockets api?

EinfachHans commented 3 years ago

@chax - i don't think so, we have no error there and this problem is new after rewriting the app hybrid with cordova (it was native before). Because the app is a german emergency app, it needs to have the websockets open over hours if the app runs minimized in background. That does not work with http websockets 😕

EinfachHans commented 3 years ago

Closed as we switched to Push Notifications