HeimgardTechnologiesAS / cordova-plugin-advanced-websocket

MIT License
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Cordova Plugin for using WebSockets

npm version downloads MIT Licence

WebSocket plugin that supports custom headers, self-signed certificates, periodical sending of pings (ping-pong to keep connection alive and detect sudden connection loss when no closing frame is received).

Supported Platforms


OkHttp library is included as maven dependency with version 3.10.0


SocketRocket is included as CocoaPod library with version 0.5.1

To use it, you will need to install CocoaPods on your Mac:

sudo gem install cocoapods
pod setup --verbose



$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-advanced-websocket




Connecto to WebSocket using options

CordovaWebsocketPlugin.wsConnect(options, receiveCallback, successCallback, failureCallback);



All three callback functions will get one object containing property webSocketId and some other properties depending on callback. successCallback and failureCallback callbacks will also get properties code and reason. Those two callback methods will be called only once and just one of them will be called depending on success of the outcome.

receiveCallback callback will be called multiple times during lifetime of the WebSocket. It will get object that will, appart from webSocketID property, contain also property callbackMethod so we know what type of callback is received from plugin. Possible values for callbackMethod are: onMessage, onClose, onFail. If callbackMethod has value onMessage you will also get property message which is the actual received message. If callbackMethod has value onClose you will get properties code and reason or exception. If callbackMethod has value onFail you will get properties code and exception.

webSocketId is unique reference to your WebSocket which is needed for later calls to wsSend and wsClose.

Quick Example

var accessToken = "abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
var wsOptions = {
    url: "wss://echo.websocket.org",
    timeout: 5000,
    pingInterval: 10000,
    headers: {"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken},
    acceptAllCerts: false

                function(recvEvent) {
                    console.log("Received callback from WebSocket: "+recvEvent["callbackMethod"]);
                function(success) {
                    console.log("Connected to WebSocket with id: " + success.webSocketId);
                function(error) {
                    console.log("Failed to connect to WebSocket: "+
                                "code: "+error["code"]+
                                ", reason: "+error["reason"]+
                                ", exception: "+error["exception"]);


Send message to WebSocket using webSocketId as a reference.

CordovaWebsocketPlugin.wsSend(webSocketId, message);


Quick Example

CordovaWebsocketPlugin.wsSend(webSocketId, "Hello World!");


Close WebSocket using webSocketId as a reference, specifying closing code and reason.

CordovaWebsocketPlugin.wsClose(webSocketId, code, reason);


Quick Example

CordovaWebsocketPlugin.wsClose(webSocketId, 1000, "I'm done!");