HeinrichHartmann / svc

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SVC - Local Service Configurations

This repository contains the configuration for several services I run at home.

This is not intended to be re-usable on the spot, if you want to run this yourself, you will need to make several adjustements (e.g. override secrets). The code minimal and straight forward, so adjustments should be straight forward. This is shared for transparency and inspiration.



Host Setup

This setup is designed to work in different environments including an dedicated server machine, a RPI and Linux Desktop environments. The main server is running NixOS, with a config managed under /nixos.


I was confused about the "correct" place to host the configuration for a long time, keeping it under $HOME/svc. This complicated a lot of scripts since, I wanted to changes to be self-contained and local: I.e. don't write to other directories (keep everything in containers or within the tree) and use relative only relative directories. This approach ran into challenges when managing bind mount points and scratch files written by the services. The current approach is: 1. To avoid bind mounts and scratch files as much as possible. 2. If bind mounts they are unavoidable (shared volumes, user-id mappings) keep them under /svc/mnt 3. If scratch files are unavoidable (e.g. shared scratch files popuplated by non-docker tools) keep them under /svc/var In this way all mounts can be clean-up by unmounting `/svc/mnt/*`. And all scratch files can be cleaned-up by pruning docker volumens and clearing `/svc/var`. From a conceptual point of view, it can be argued that we are configuring the node itself, not services consumed by one user. Hence using paths that are relative to the node root-fs "/" i.e. absolute is sensible.


Secrets are managed inside this repository using git-crypt. Files ending with .crypt are encrpyted inside the git repostiry, and only readable if your host is trusted. The trust model works as follows:

  1. On a new host, generate GPG keys and add the public key to the repository, then push.
  2. On an already trusted host, pull in the public keys and mark them as trusted, then push.
  3. On the new host, pull latest version. It now has access to the secrets.

See /crypt/README.md for more details.

Open ends


The configuration now relies on AWS services for DNS and PKI.

All required AWS configuration is managed using terraform located in /infra/aws.

Learnings. Earlier version of this repository had self-hosted DHCP, DNS and PKI (Private Key Infrastructure for https certificates) included in the config. This has the obvious drawback that all clients have to install a self-signed certificate. But even once this is done, there are more difficulties caused by various clients decided to ignore the DHCP provided DNS services and/or ignore the root certificates installed by the OS. Repeated offenders were Firefox, Firefox on Android, Safari on iPhone.

At some point I stopped trying and accepted the fact, that I will be using an external service for DNS and PKI.


Certificates are generated via letsencrypt and use DNS authentification faciliated by AWS. Generated certificates are stored under /svc/var.

Reneawal is performed using make certs from /svc.


We use Traefik[https://traefik.io/] as ingress proxy.

This tool terminates HTTPS, and routes HTTP requests to the appropriate backend. Service discovery is dynamic, and configured using labels associated to docker containers. It also allows to configure HTTP Basic Auth for services by adding a label.


      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.books.rule=HostRegexp(`books.{domain:.*}`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.books.entrypoints=https"
      - "traefik.http.routers.books.tls=true"

Learnings. Prior iterations used Nginx and HAProxy as for routing requests. I found these solutions harder to maintain, as they required to keep the config files in sync, and the syntax (in particular of HAProxy) was hard to manage. Traefik offers a good out-of-the box experiences for the standard use-cases. Debugging of the docker labels is sometimes a little bit tedious, as there is no linting or syntax checking.

Open ends.

Service Configuration

Service configurations are stored in ./services/$name they typically consists of two files:

Services can be selectively enabled/disabled using the ./svc.sh tool. Only enabled services are started on make start and on boot.

./svc.sh new $name # create new service scaffolding from template

./svc.sh enable $name # enable service with given name

./svc.sh list-available # list available services

./svc.sh list # list enabled services

make start # start all enabled services

make stop # stop all enabled services

make test # test status of all services and print results


The main server where this configuration is running is equipped with two 8TB HDD drives. Those are configured as a ZFS pool with a RAID 0 configuration, allowing us to compensate for the loss of one of the disks.

We use zfs-autosnapshot to protect against accidental deletion. Off-site backup is realized via restic to backblaze for selected datasets.

There are 3 main filesystems on the pool, that differ in backup and replication strategy.

The naming of the datasets is reflecting the different storage tiers, that I use for personal stuff:

Open Ends