HeisenBugDev / QuantumCraft

Yet another minecraft tech mod that ends with -craft.
6 stars 1 forks source link

List of Bugs/Requests/Things #155

Closed 540howdy closed 9 years ago

540howdy commented 10 years ago

So far the mod is pretty fun


Why is this better than any other tech mod?

The theme of it is not complete and it doesn't add machines that completely make your game experience more enjoyable yet (at least not as much any ThermalExp) but it is adding some cool things that should catch on (IN WORLD GUIs!)

Okay I think I'm done, nice mod so far looking forward to seeing it in the future. Thanks

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

For the generator, do you mean steam gen?

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

@540howdy, I just pushed a fix, can you test with the latest build?

540howdy commented 10 years ago

@hunterboerner Testing out 344 right now

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

@540howdy status update?

540howdy commented 10 years ago

@hunterboerner Oh, hah I updated the original post. None of the GUI's are opening for me on a NEI + Quantumcraft world nor on a 100+modpack world

sammko commented 10 years ago

Can I be informed why we have a te variable on L50 and another one on L54 just initialized in a different way?

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

Err.. it shouldn't make a difference but the second will return null if it's NOT an instance of TileMachineBase which will prevent casting errors if we happen to init a non TileMachineBase te in the block. <= I hope that makes sense

sammko commented 10 years ago

Yes it does make sense, but then why don't you get rid of the one on L50 and replace it w/ the one from L54 decreasing RAM usage and making it generally more efficient

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago


If I do that then we can't have a tile that is IUpgradable but NOT TileMachineBase. I could do a check to see if te is instance of TileMachineBase but that may not be much more efficent.

sammko commented 10 years ago

ugh... that onBlockActivated method is like the worst thing in our entire mod... and its broken 50% of the time

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

@sammko, hasn't broken for me.

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

@540howdy, do you know what build you first tested on?

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

@540howdy, I found the problem. By changing the modid to get it to work with qCraft, it broke guis and a few other things so reverting and no qCraft + quantumcraft for a while.

540howdy commented 10 years ago

@hunterboerner 344, didn't realize there was a 345 out. So 344 has the broken GUI bug, but 345 fixes it. I'll look for more bugs/things in this patch then.

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

@540howdy, yeah, just released that. You won't be able to run qCraft and QuantumCraft though.

EDIT: Thanks for the help.

540howdy commented 10 years ago

No problem. Hmm

The Quantum-Multitool works now, can shift click wires to break. Nice

EDIT by @hunterboerner: Moved thing to the OP.

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

@540howdy, for number 3: It is. The Capacitors have Inject/Extract slots and the reason we kept those two machines in is for automation.

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

@540howdy, do you have any ideas for new features that would be creative?

540howdy commented 10 years ago

@hunterboerner I feel like the best step forward for this mod is to have someone (possibly you) research into Quantum Mechanics and revolve the mod around the theory of Quantum Mechanics. Qcraft takes this idea in a very simple form, and does not offer a tier of tech related ideas related to Quantum Mechanics. So far, Thermal Expansion offers a very sleek way of playing. It's an easy to climb mod. On the other hand, Industrialcraft seems to force tedious recipes that can be easily solved with factories or automation. Your mod however can offer a new way of doing tech with the vast idea that is Quantum Mechanics. I have very little background on this, except for the very basic ideas. Good luck.

sammko commented 10 years ago

I actually came up with this mod, and about the research into Quantum mechanics, the dislocator is based on the principle of Quantum dislocation / entanglement. Entanglement originally works with eg. polarization of photons, but i mirrored it on blocks in minecraft.

sammko commented 10 years ago

Next, thanks to @LordFokas, we are planning to implement the observer effect ( #82 ) and String theory ( #83 )

sammko commented 10 years ago

Also quantum tunnelling is reserved for the Quantum Wormhole Inducer ( #9 )

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

Any ideas (less vague) for something you feel is missing?

540howdy commented 10 years ago

@sammko That goes to show you how little I know about this. A bunch of mods have a "Getting Started" guidebook. Maybe one for this mod too that briefly explains quantum mechanics and what each block does. I was talking more about the generator/furnace. Smelting a crystal found in the ground that then can be used for fuel to power a furnace is kinda odd, it feels out of place. But the tunneling is pretty cool, only thing that would make it more awesome would be a visual.

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

@540howdy, you mean the Getting Started page? http://heisenbugdev.com/wiki/a_meta/guide

sammko commented 10 years ago

Yeah we could implement that in-game

sammko commented 10 years ago

We should also somehow get superposition going

540howdy commented 10 years ago

@hunterboerner Yeah but in game. It's a simple feature, but could go a long way. + a bit of information about quantum mechanics

sammko commented 10 years ago

The dislocator is actually mis-named, we should rename it to entangler or something becuase back then i had quantum nonlocality and entanglement messed up

sammko commented 10 years ago

This is a list of Quantum fundamental concepts (thanks to wikipedia)

I will talk to my friend, he also reads a lot about this stuff, but he doesnt do java (yet :P) maybe we could figure out an implementation for some of the phenomenons

Anyways, thanks for the feedback :)

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

@sammko, tell me how you think it'll work and I'll try to code it up.

sammko commented 10 years ago

Well idk yet, and I didnt say i wont code in the future, i enjoy coding, but i just wasnt in the mood.. i feel like i will do more coding after holidays. will see what happens

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

I know, but I need something to code :). I asked @MrTJP (ProjectRed) about multiparts and I think he will turn the qwire into one for us.

sammko commented 10 years ago

oh cool

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

oh cool

btw, I just figured out you can select text and hit r on github to quote it!

sammko commented 10 years ago

also cool

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

Energy comes in the form of an ore found in the ground.. This is your chance to create an energy system unique from other mods.. one that's renewable.

Anyone got any ideas? I started steam but I don't think that's the way to go. @540howdy, what's in your brain?

540howdy commented 10 years ago

@hunterboerner Oh gosh. I agree with steam not being the right path for this mod.

Can the Quantum Theory even be used for energy? I mean it can in the simplest of terms, but can it be used to describe a very specific instance?

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

Can the Quantum Theory even be used for energy? I mean it can in the simplest of terms, but can it be used to describe a very specific instance?

Take a look at #162

540howdy commented 10 years ago

How about a few different furnaces that each apply a different theory of quantum mechanics?

Edit: Sorry for the late responses, I"m doing research on google trying to wrap my mind around this insanity.

540howdy commented 10 years ago

@hunterboerner I forgot to mention what the furnaces would run on.. I think the crystals from your original idea could still work. However, the crystals would function differently per furnace.

Side Note: These are all ideas, I don't want to impose too much.

LordFokas commented 10 years ago

You could use the uncertainty to make a furnace that operates on the same principle. You can't know if it's done or not before you open the GUI and look. It won't start working until you close the GUI. the more you wait, the higher the chance more items will be done when you look, but while you look, it completely freezes.

So right there, you have the theories of uncertainty and observer effect.

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

And until we ask @LordFokas if he has any good ideas, we won't know for certain... :P

EDIT: Incorrect. We will know it's one of 4 states which all equal yes in layman's terms.

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

Ok, let's begin extracting the features we want to focus on into their own tickets to organize them and track.

Furnace 1: Quantum Interdimensional Generator: Applies the Theory of Superposition (Copied from 162)

My question on that is: Why are we generating power in a furnace? This is power gen!

It would be cool to have little robots that keep a furnace in a constant state

It couldn't just be "robots" because those would be affected by the states too considering they can't observe it directly (ya know, they're robots). However, if you were somehow to be observing this said furnace via the robot, would that be good enough? @sammko, you're the Quantum Expert so what do you think? Maybe a machine that accepts the data feeds from all the robots and allows you to monitor the status of each through a HUD. That way, you are constantly viewing it so the quantum mechanics still apply and you can automate it.

Furnace 2

The robot idea can be applied to all furnaces. No need for another.

For decoherence, something about rainbows. My creativity took a dive here.

No idea what you are talking about.

This could be the final tier.

Should we have all the furnaces work on an upgrade system? Not just a right click on machine one but say an "upgrader" machine that allows automation of upgrading of machines rather than tiered crafting recipes.

You can make a furnace with upgrades to force it to run at a certain amount of energy. Default is random, 1 energy, 2...

The problem with "random" is that it's like flipping a coin, if you flip it 100 times and say head = 0 and tails = 1, you're going to get about 50 no matter what. We can't say in the period of 1 second use this power, we would have to do something say, in the period of the current itemstack so it will work on a larger scale which won't be able to level out as easily.

This is a list of Quantum fundamental concepts

@sammko, can you fill in that list (or respond with the info and let me organize it) so that we can have an easy reference for maturing ideas and not sounding like Quantum Idiots :+1:

thanks for the feedback :)

If anyone know other people (what people, who are they?), could you ask them to bring in the feedback and ideas. Could someone setup a poll (1-3 questions only, multiple choice) which should be very quick and easy to complete that will provide us a lot of information about what people think we should do.

Question 1

Current plans, which one first


Things we are thinking about, which best


Which aspect of MC should we improve (Material Collection, Material Processing, Material Prettyness, Mobs...)

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

I was thinking, what about TE3 style side switching on machines?

sammko commented 10 years ago

Yeah I had that idea too. It would be a PITA to implement. But we could try what OpenBlocks have cause its opensource and even cooler than TE's On Dec 24, 2013 5:32 PM, "Theron Boerner" notifications@github.com wrote:

I was thinking, what about TE3 style side switching on machines?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/HeisenBugDev/QuantumCraft/issues/155#issuecomment-31177256 .

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

@sammko, it's in here: https://github.com/OpenMods/OpenModsLib/tree/master/src/openmods/gui. Looks like you're going to have fun :+1:

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

So guys, here's a very early concept image for showing what blocks are scheduled to be broken. 2013-12-25_13 25 27

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

BTW, the reason you have to be touching a block is because it's DrawBlockHighlightEvent, so if someone knows of another event that just draws the blocks, then we could use that.

hunterboerner commented 10 years ago

2013-12-26_12 29 06

Look awesome? Warning: The red blocks which is what the tunneler is mining is very laggy so we may want to have that only visible if you are wearing something.