Telegram bot EPUB to PDF converter, this bot is available on Telegram with the following username: @epub_to_pdf_bot
Just contact the Telegram bot @epub_to_pdf_bot and send a file.epub, you will receive back a file.pdf.
If you are using Linux as OS you could install the requirements using the package manager, for debian-based you could use the following command to install the main requirements:
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip calibre
To install the python-telegram-bot framework you can use pip
the python package manager:
pip3 install python-telegram-bot
Create a personal bot contacting @Botfather. Created the bot you will receive an API token, so copy the file token.conf.dist into token.conf, delete the content and put inside the API token.
Well, now, you can run the script and send to your bot the file.epub, you will get a file,pdf back.
docker build -t epub_to_pdf:latest .
docker run -d epub_to_pdf