HelikarLab / COMO

Identify drug targets and potentially repurposable drugs for metabolism-impacting diseases
GNU General Public License v3.0
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COMO: Constraint-based Optimization of Metabolic Objectives

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Setting up COMO

Go to COMO's documentation page for full installation and operation instructions or use one of the Quick Start options

COMO Documentation Page

Quick Start Options

Docker Quick Start

This installation method does require docker

NOTE: The defualt installation method here does not allow for saving your work or utilizing the Gurobi solver. If you would like either (or both) of these features, please visit our documentation for more details

Conda Quick Start

This installation method does not require docker

This will open a web browser with the Jupyter Notebook/Lab interface. From here, you can open the COMO.ipynb notebook to get started

NOTE: This installation method will allow for saving your work and utilizing the Gurobi solver. If you would still like more details about this installation method, please visit our documentation

Flow Charts

Please follow this link for flow charts


Resources for packages used in COMO and other useful links, please see here


If you use this work, please cite it with the following

Brandt Bessell, Josh Loecker, Zhongyuan Zhao, Sara Sadat Aghamiri, Sabyasachi Mohanty, Rada Amin, Tomáš Helikar, Bhanwar Lal Puniya, COMO: a pipeline for multi-omics data integration in metabolic modeling and drug discovery, Briefings in Bioinformatics, Volume 24, Issue 6, November 2023, bbad387, https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbad387