HengquanLi / Public-Holiday-Checker

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Public Holiday Checker

Access App Here: https://grandbearsleepy.github.io/Public-Holiday-Checker/

User Stories

AS A busy professional who works across multiple states in Australia
I WANT to see at a glance when holidays are being observed
SO THAT I can schedule events and meetings that won't conflict with non working days
AS An traveller in Australia
I WANT to know my destintationstates coming holidays and weather
SO THAT I can plan my journey
AS An interstate traveller
I WANT to know the upcoming events and holidays in the different 
states I plan to visit, as well as context behind them
SO THAT I am culturally informed

Technologies Used

This was an interesting project to execute as it required the merging of multiple concepts that we've learned to date. We had to use client-side storage to persist data, the UI had to be polished & mobile responsive and we could not use alerts, confirms or prompts, instead we used modal.

The 2 API's we used were:

The CSS framework we used was:

Team Members & Task Breakdown

Team members & their allocated tasks for this project were as follows: