HergBot / musqrat

A lightweight, strongly typed wrapper for using MySQL in Node.JS
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A lightweight, strongly typed wrapper for using MySQL in Node.JS.

Inspired by using mongoose, I wanted something with a similar chaining behaviour for MySQL plus the benefits of TypeScript while building queries.


Currently Supports


Connecting to a MySQL database

import musqrat from "musqrat";

// Uses the mysql.Pool type: https://github.com/mysqljs/mysql#pool-options
    username: "username",
    password: "password",
    host: "localhost",
    database: "testDB",

if (musqrat.connected) {

await musqrat.disconnect();

Defining a table

interface TableSchema = {
    tableId: number;
    column: string;
    nullableColumn?: string;

const Table = musqrat.initTable<TableSchema>('TableName');

Building Queries vs Executing Queries

// Each query operation can be used to build a prepared statement or execute against the database if the
// connection object is given.
await Table.delete().exec();


// Deletes everything, no conditions. Use limit/orderBy/where to be more specific.
await Table.delete().exec();


// Insert accepts a single object or array of objects.
// INSERT INTO TableName (tableId, column) VALUES (1, 'value');
await Table.insert({tableId: 1, column: 'value'}).exec();
// INSERT INTO TableName (tableId, column) VALUES (1, 'value'), (2, 'another');
await Table.insert([{tableId: 1, column: 'value'}, {tableId: 2, column: 'another'}]).exec();

// You can also identify primary keys when creating the table that can be excluded from insertion
// (i.e. if they are AUTO_INCREMENT)
const Table = musqrat.initTable<TableSchema, 'tableId'>('TableName');
// Now this is invalid
await Table.insert({tableId: 1, column: 'value'}).exec();
// This is valid
await Table.insert({column: 'value'}).exec();


// SELECT tableId, column FROM TableName;
await Table.select("tableId", "column").exec();

// SELECT * FROM TableName;
await Table.select().exec();


// Update accepts a single object or array of objects
// UPDATE TableName SET column = 'new value';
await Table.update({ field: "column", value: "new value" }).exec();

// UPDATE TableName SET column = 'new value', nullableColumn = NULL;
await Table.update([
    { field: "column", value: "new value" },
    { field: "nullableColumn", value: null },

Group By

// Available on select only
// SELECT * FROM TableName GROUP BY column;
await Table.select().groupBy("column").exec();

Inner Join

// Available on select only
interface JoinSchema = {
    joinId: number;
    tableId: number;
// SELECT tableId, joinId FROM TableName INNER JOIN JoinTable ON tableId = tableId;
await Table.select<[JoinSchema]>('tableId', 'joinId').innerJoin('JoinTable', 'tableId', 'tableId').exec();


// Available on select, update, delete
// SELECT * FROM TableName LIMIT 1;
await Table.select().limit(1).exec();

Order By

// Available on select, update, delete
// SELECT * FROM TableName ORDER BY column ASC;
await Table.select().orderBy("column").exec();

// SELECT * FROM TableName ORDER BY column DESC;
await Table.select().orderBy("column", "DESC").exec();


// Available on select, update, delete
// SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE tableId IN (1, 2, 3);
await Table.select().where("tableId", "in", [1, 2, 3]).exec();

// UPDATE TableName SET nullableColumn = NULL WHERE (column = 'specific' AND nullableColumn IS NOT NULL);
await Table.update({ field: "nullableColumn", value: null })
        AND: [
            { field: "column", operator: "=", value: "specific" },
            { field: "nullableColumn", operator: "IS NOT", value: null },

// WHERE conditions can be built using either a single where condition or an 'aggregation'
// which is an object like you see in the second example that looks like this: {AND?: <>, OR?: <>}
// You can nest those as far down as you need to.