HerrLantz / marquee

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The best text to rolling text gif creator!

Getting started

Download this project by clicking on download, or clone it!

git clone https://github.com/HerrLantz/marquee


Marquee requires ImageMagick and Gifsicle!

Install ImageMagick on Mac with homebrew:

brew install imagemagick

Install Gifsicle on Mac with homebrew:

brew install gifsicle

Install on debian-based linux distributions:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
sudo apt-get install gifsicle

After you have installed imagemagick, gifsicle and downloaded Marquee; then put the Marquee in some directory. Export the Marquee directory path to your $PATH by:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/marquee

or you can add that line to your .bash_profile or wherever you want to export your $PATH.

Micke, you should change the file mode on marquee by

chmod 755 marquee


marquee "Marquee is the best program ever" -background-color none -text-color magenta

A great example

marquee "Color blind people are superior" -b yellow -c brown

Another great example

marquee "Seizure inducing GIFs\!" -b rainbow -c rainbow

An even greater example

Creating marquee gifs

To run Marquee simply type marquee [text] [OPTIONS] in the terminal. If you are having trouble running Marquee, type marquee -help or marquee -h to get various help.

Here are all the different flags that can be used! Look how nice they are.

Flag Parameter Effect
-name/-n .+\.gif The name of the outputed gif
-text-color/-c. name of a color Sets the text color
-background-color/-b name of a color Sets the background color
-help/-h no parameter Gives help to slow people
-delay/-d Positiv integer Sets the delay between frames
-font/-t Name of font Sets the font on the text
-frames/-f Positiv integer Depricated, does nothing
-optimization/-o 0, 1, 2 or 3 Optimizes the file size (lossy)
-list-fonts/-lf no parameter Lists all possible fonts
-gaussian-blur/-gs [0-9]+x[0-9]+ Blur each frame of the gif
-swirl/-s Integer Swirl each frame by the given degree


I don't like Windows, so the script won't generate a gif on that platform. Instead it creates a bunch of files with Meow in it.