Small image equipped with steamcmd, intended to be a foundation for game servers.
To use this image as a foundation for a game server, simply include it in your Dockerfile:
FROM hetsh/steamcmd:<version>
can then be called from everywhere since it is included in PATH
SteamCMD emits a few error and warning messages during different stages of execution despite working properly. Some can be fixed by adding the "required" libraries, but this would increase the image size by a lot. For this case, i made the decision to not include them for now, but you can install the libraries if you want:
RUN DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" && apt-get install --no-install-recommends --assume-yes <package>
Failed to init SDL priority manager: SDL not found
Failed to set thread priority: per-thread setup failed
Failed to set thread priority: per-thread setup failed
The debian package is libsdl2-2.0-0
This is an open project (visit GitHub). Please feel free to ask questions, file an issue or contribute to it.