HewlettPackard / oneview-redfish-toolkit

HPE OneView Redfish Toolkit provides a REST service to answer DMTF's Redfish compliant requests by querying HPE OneView
Apache License 2.0
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HPE OneView Redfish Toolkit

This toolkit provides a REST service to answer DMTF's Redfish compliant requests by querying HPE OneView.

HPE OneView is a fresh approach to converged infrastructure management, inspired by the way you expect to work, with a single integrated view of your IT infrastructure.

DMTF's Redfish is an open industry standard specification and schema that specifies a RESTful interface and utilizes JSON and OData to help customers integrate solutions within their existing tool chains.

Getting started



All service dependencies (besides the ones listed under requirements above) will be automatically downloaded and installed as part of installing the service. A full list of dependencies is available at requirements.txt file

Installing the application

$ pip install oneview-redfish-toolkit

Offline Installation

Obtaining Oneview Redfish Toolkit and dependencies

You can download offline installer at Releases page. Or you can download the toolkit from PyPI running this command:

$ pip download oneview-redfish-toolkit


Create Python 3.5 virtual environment and activate it:

$ python3.5 -m venv <virtual-environment-name>
$ source <virtual-environment-name>/bin/activate

Update pip and setuptools to the latest version:

$ pip install pip -U
$ pip install setuptools -U

Unzip oneview-redfish-toolkit-installer:

$ unzip <oneview-redfish-toolkit-installer-0.4.0.zip>

Run pip install where the files are placed:

$ pip install <oneview-redfish-toolkit-installer-0.4.0>/*

Running the application

The first time the application is run, it will create all the needed configuration files under user's home directory. It will also prompt for the OneView IP that you wish to connect to the redfish toolkit. This can either be a single IP address, or a comma seperated list of IP addresses. The configuration is persisted in the redfish.conf.

Below is an example run that will add two different OneView instances to the Redfish service:

$ oneview-redfish-toolkit
Welcome to oneview-redfish-toolkit. Please enter a comma separated list of OneView IPs you want to connect to.
Oneview IP(s):,
Using configuration file: /root/.config/oneview-redfish-toolkit/redfish.conf
Using logging configuration file: /root/.config/oneview-redfish-toolkit/logging.conf
oneview-redfish-toolkit service is now available at

The following files will be created:

The redfish.conf and logging.conf are used to customize the service, but generally, don't need to be modified. The certs directory is used to place the retrieved OneView certificates when the Event Service is enabled.

You can customize the configuration files created under the user directory, or if you want to use your own custom configuration files you can pass them as arguments. If no arguments are passed, the application will use the ones on user directory:

$ oneview-redfish-toolkit --config redfish.conf --log-config logging.conf

Additional information about the toolkit

Toolkit Configuration

The toolkit configuration resides on redfish.conf file. All required properties have default values that will work just fine. The only empty required property, OneView IP, will be prompted for user at the first execution and will update this file with inputed value. If OneView IP change or if you want add more OneViews you can manually update the property. In the same way you can edit the redfish.conf file to tuning other available properties.

You can check all properties listed below:


Logging configuration can be found in logging.conf file. The provided configuration enables INFO level at both console and file output, which will generate a redfish.log, redfish_performance.log and redfish_ov_data.log files at $HOME/.config/oneview-redfish-toolkit/.

The application has two extended logs, where all logs will be created on the same directory $HOME/.config/oneview-redfish-toolkit/:

Performance logger

For each Redfish Toolkit API request the performance logger will log the elapsed time for each OneView SDK request triggered, the amount elapsed time for all OneView SDK requests, the overhead toolkit process elapsed time and the total elapsed time for the Redfish Toolkit API request. So we can monitoring the OneView performance and the redfish toolkit performance as well. It will be log on redfish_performance.log file once enabled on logging.conf by changing its level and the root log level as DEBUG. Log example:

2018-10-10 15:42:41,112 - perf - DEBUG   - Thread 139974930331392 - OneView request: server_profile_templates.get: 0.02929878234
2018-10-10 15:42:42,304 - perf - DEBUG   - Thread 139974930331392 - OneView request: server_hardware.get_all: 0.03278422355
2018-10-10 15:42:43,231 - perf - DEBUG   - Thread 139974930331392 - OneView request: server_hardware.get_all:  0.03367638587
2018-10-10 15:42:43,291 - perf - DEBUG   - Thread 139974930331392 - OneView process: 0.09575939176
2018-10-10 15:42:43,291 - perf - DEBUG   - Thread 139974930331392 - Redfish process: 0.01273488998413086
2018-10-10 15:42:43,294 - perf - DEBUG   - Thread 139974930331392 - Total process: 0.10849428174

OneView Data logger

The OneView data logger will log the result for each OneView SDK request triggered. So we can check OneView data retrieved for each OneView SDK request. It will be log on redfish_ov_data.log file once enabled on logging.conf by changing its level and the root log level to DEBUG. Log example:

2018-10-10 15:42:43,230 - ovData - DEBUG - Thread 139974930331392 - Request to Oneview 'oneview.net', calling 'server_hardware.get_all' with args () and kwargs {}. Result: []

Enabling loggers

You can enable loggers Performance, OneView Data and others by setting its level and root logger level as DEBUG on the logging.conf file. For example:



You can customize extended logs to have default entry logs as well. To do this add the extended loggers handlers to the root logger:


Development Environment

In order to run tests and documentation generation tox is also needed. General instructions on how to install are available here.

We recommend to run inside a virtual environment. You can create one running:

$ virtualenv env_name_you_choose -p python3.5 # to create a Python3.5 environment, for example
$ source env_name_you_choose/bin/activate # load the environment

Once the environment is loaded, download and uncompress the latest version from releases page, or clone current development version running:

$ git clone https://github.com/HewlettPackard/oneview-redfish-toolkit.git

Then, proceed with:

$ cd oneview-redfish-toolkit # enter the service folder
# edit redfish.conf
$ pip install -r requirements.txt # to install all requirements into the virtual environment
$ ./run.sh    # to launch the service

SDK Documentation

The latest version of the SDK documentation can be found in the SDK Documentation section.

Note: This documentation has been manually updated following the steps found here.

Session Management

As specified in the Redfish spec, the endpoints /redfish and /redfish/v1 can be accessed unauthenticated, also POST to Sessions Collection (that's how a Redfish session can be established).

To create a Redfish session, the redfish client must authenticate himself using his own username and password sending a post request to /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions. Since current toolkit implementation delegates the session management to OneView, the Redfish client must pass a valid OneView user and password:

curl -i -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
  https://<ip>:5000/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions \
  -d '{"UserName": "administrator", "Password": "password"}'

One of the headers in the response is X-Auth-Token that should be send for all subsequent requests:

curl -X GET \
  -H "X-Auth-Token: NzQ8ODI6MTcxOTkxRdvdtE-HaNeFgkoylkaQVA3l1uIsHxQ7" \

When handling multiple OneView instances, make sure all instances have this username/password enabled.

Event Service notes

Event Service connects directly to HPE OneView SCMB, the toolkit will request OneView to generate SCMB certs and download the certs to the correct location. The certs file are: oneview_ca: OneView's CA cert file located at: certs/oneview_ca.pem. scmb_cert: OneView's SCMB Client cert file located at: certs/oneview_scmb.pem. scmb_key: OneView's SCMB Client key file located at: certs/oneview_scmb.key

In order to integrate properly with OneView, the OneView API 300 is required to be supported by OneView instance.

Only alerts and events related to enclosures, racks and server hardware are being monitored and will generate the following Redfish events: ResourceAdded, ResourceUpdated and ResourceRemoved.

Composition Service

Current implementation follows Redfish specification DSP2050 version 1.0.0 and does not use any OEM (vendor specific) attributes. One of the biggest challenges of adding composability support was to identify what type of Resource Blocks that should be available since full composability is not available due to limitations in the current specification. A first approach leveraging OneView server profile templates was proposed and evaluated with Redfish authors. With this proposal each OneView server profile template maps to Redfish Resource Zones that may list three types of resource blocks:

On a Compose request, the Redfish client must select one Computer System Resource Block, one Network Resource Block, and as many Storage Resource Blocks as desired from the available Resource Blocks on the selected Resource Zone. The required attributes in the compose request are specified in the Capabilities Object. A server profile will be created leveraging the server profile template as identified in the POST request. Each Storage Resource Block (SAS drive) will be configured as external logical JBOD (logical drives are out of scope).

Important: To have the Composition Service functional, the administrator must create OneView server profile templates in advance. To allow Storage Resource Blocks in composition requests via the OneView Redfish service, the SAS storage controller should be configured, however, no drives should be added in the template (they will be assigned to the profile on the composition request).


You know the drill. Fork it, branch it, change it, commit it, and pull-request it. We are passionate about improving this project, and are glad to accept help to make it better. However, keep the following in mind:

We reserve the right to reject changes that we feel do not fit the scope of this project. For feature additions, please open an issue to discuss your ideas before doing the work.

Feature Requests

If you have a need not being met by the current implementation, please let us know (via a new issue). This feedback is crucial for us to deliver a useful product. Do not assume that we have already thought of everything, because we assure you that is not the case.


We have already packaged everything you need to do to verify if the code is passing the tests. The tox script wraps the unit tests execution against Python 3, flake8 validation, and the test coverage report generation.

Run the following command:

$ tox


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.