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Please sponsor me to speed up the development of Common Lisp Open Source!
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Please support the Common Lisp Revival 2020 Fundraiser!!! #1

Open Hexstream opened 3 years ago

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

I'm the canary in the coal mine, and I'm almost dead.


[edit: Also see the urgent appeal, since I replaced the link at the start of the pitch to point here instead of there.]

Sorry for the mass ping, but this is extremely important and I should have done this way earlier, I just didn't think of GitHub as "social media"...

Please support the Common Lisp Revival 2020 Fundraiser!!! The deadline is 10 december 2020!!

Here is the post on twitter and on LinkedIn. Please spread far and wide for the eternal glory of Common Lisp!! And please make a donation if you can afford it.

Also see my urgent appeal to LispWorks, Franz, the Common Lisp Foundation, Paul Graham, Planck EZ, and everyone else for additional context. Here is the post on twitter and on LinkedIn.

Please make sure to sponsor me from an account able to give out doublers, you should see a banner confirming this at the top (when logged in).

Also beware of prorating, which might significantly cut down your contribution if you are not careful. Any prorating will be announced on the checkout page, and you may need to sponsor at a higher tier to arrive at the amount that you intended to contribute.

I am inviting the following people (and everyone else interested) to help make the Common Lisp Revival 2020 Fundraiser successful! I simply found them on the Common Lispers list and removed a few, such as (most of?) those that I am quite sure will not be interested.

@svetlyak40wt @guicho271828 @cbaggers @telent @mbattyani @duncan-bayne @artob @mdbergmann @eudoxia0 @kingcons @ahungry @rudolfochrist @ebrasca @genworks @pcostanza @cracauer @sabracrolleton @cxxxr @thodg @delaray @vindarel @orivej @pfdietz @vseloved @xrme @easye @dimitri @michaeljforster @froydnj @antifuchs @fukamachi @rongarret @Slids @lukego @macdavid313 @chaitanyagupta @slyrus @marijnh @froggey @ahefner @marcoheisig @bhyde @kaygun @lispnik @pkhuong @gwkkwg @borodust @fiddlerwoaroof @danlentz @sjl

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

Oh, and by the way:

I have to declare phoe as being the second biggest threat to the Common Lisp mafia right now, although it is circumstantial.

genworks commented 3 years ago

On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 6:16 PM Jean-Philippe Paradis < notifications@github.com> wrote:

Oh, and by the way:

I have to declare phoe as being the single biggest threat to the Common Lisp mafia right now.

Threat to the mafia? I thought he is part of said mafia.

duncan-bayne commented 3 years ago

This is the first I've heard of the Common Lisp Mafia. It sounds great! How can I join? Do we get AMG Mercedes and handguns?

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

@genworks Correct. Sorry for the countless edits, phoe is actually the second biggest threat to the Common Lisp mafia, after me, of course. He's actually way more obsessed with the Common Lisp mafia than I am these days, so I initially forgot to count myself, LOL!!! Probably the single most hilarious mistake I ever did in my life...

So yeah, phoe is both part of the Common Lisp mafia and the second biggest threat to them. Confirm.

@duncan-bayne Be super corrupt and shitty and get the Common Lisp mafia to love you. And great Common Lisp contributions, obviously.

rongarret commented 3 years ago

I don’t think you understand how this works.

If your business model isn’t succeeding, the right thing to do is to change your business model, preferably in response to some actual market data. The right thing is decidedly NOT to throw a hissy fit and then promise to start behaving professionally if and when people write you checks.

You also don’t seem to understand the difference between a donation and an investment. An investment is money that you give someone with the expectation that they will use it to make a monetary profit which they will then share with you. Investments are structured with very specific expectations and specifications of how and when that return will happen depending on the success of the endeavor. Normally these structures take the form of debt or equity, but there are other possibilities as well, but in any case investments are always accompanied by an agreement, usually in the form of a legal document, specifying the terms under which the investment is being made. If there’s no investor agreement, there is by definition no investment.

A donation is money you give to a person or an organization in the hopes that they will do something with it that will generally end up making the world a better place, but without any expectation of a specific monetary return.

What you are soliciting here are donations, not investments. And since you are soliciting donations, prospective donors should be assessing whether giving you money will generally tend to make the world a better place. Speaking for myself, at the moment, that is far from clear.

I’ve worked in Common Lisp my entire career. I’ve tried to get it adopted everywhere I’ve worked, with varying degrees of success. I am currently working as a Common Lisp programmer, and the company I am working for is actively trying to hire someone to be my replacement so I can retire. So I can say with a certain amount of authority that one of the major obstacles to getting Common Lisp more widely adopted is the perception that Common Lisp programmers are either unable or unwilling to conduct themselves in a professional manner. No amount of open-source code written on your own volition is going to help counteract that perception. At the end of the day, the people who run the world don’t give a rat’s ass about whether or not your programming language is better or worse. What they care about is whether they can hire people that they can count on to shut the fuck up and get the job done. The CL community has produced a lot of cool technology, but has failed miserably to produce a reliable labor force capable of leveraging that technology. That is the problem that needs to be solved.


On Dec 8, 2020, at 3:02 PM, Jean-Philippe Paradis notifications@github.com wrote:

@genworks Your intervention is brutal and deeply misguided.

Since around 100% of the (actual or perceived) problems with "my ego" stem from the constant gross injustices that I am facing, a quick fix for that would be the Common Lisp community granting me very basic funding. In my current situation, 1000$/month would be basically infinite money, for fuck's sake.

past library work which is neither used nor depended upon.

Anyone can use them, at this time they are mostly or entirely used and depended upon by me as a springboard for producing much more important contributions. Isn't that enough? If I can make many high-quality small libraries, then surely I can gradually scale that up to more important work, and that's easier to do with a bit of funding than no funding. And let's not forget all the time and energy I spent in contributing to Common Lisp community resources and fighting off the endless fucking stupid unfair bullshit associated with doing such work in the community.

How about we grant me some basic funding for a few months and see if that helps the situation or not? I bet it will, tremendously. I've been contributing to Common Lisp Open Source for more than a decade already, completely unpaid until this year. We all know I'm in this for the long run. What's the risk in funding me a bit, exactly?

I guess I feel entitled to basic justice and equity. And efficiency.

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genworks commented 3 years ago

On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 6:02 PM Jean-Philippe Paradis < notifications@github.com> wrote:

@genworks https://github.com/genworks Your intervention is brutal and deeply misguided.

The intervention already started some time ago. I'm out here trying to find an exit strategy for it, so everyone can move on happily and with as much dignity as possible intact. This is an opportunity for you. Please take it. I've just about run out of ways I can think of to help as well as time & energy to continue paying attention to you.

Would you prefer to listen to what everyone is trying to say and strive for a personal transformation, or go back to being completely ignored.

Those are your choices.

Since around 100% of the (actual or perceived) problems with "my ego" stem from the constant gross injustices that I am facing, a quick fix for that would be the Common Lisp community granting me very basic funding. In my current situation, 1000$/month would be basically infinite money, for fuck's sake.

 "we are dealing with an individual who will be quick to blame others

for his troubles"

How about we grant me some basic funding for a few months and see if that

helps the situation or not?

See if it helps what situation? The situation of you being a nuisance to the community?

I advise you to be careful with such statements, which those who are not clued in to your superior ethical framework might view as a threat bordering on extortion: "pay me or I'll continue my disruptive behavior." Now that could be construed as mafia behavior. Racketeering.

Here's an opportunity to nip that perception risk (belatedly) in the bud.

I bet it will, tremendously. I've been contributing to Common Lisp Open Source for more than a decade already, completely unpaid until this year. We all know I'm in this for the long run. What's the risk in funding me a bit, exactly?

Well, I can think of many risks. One is that donating to your speculative nebulous future efforts could undermine and discourage others who have made and continue to make tangible, heavily used and crucial contributions.

Again I strongly urge you to pursue a Plan B (or C or D) for personal revenue which does not involve our community. If you're a member of a household and want to establish an income, it's expected that you bring in money from outside the house, and not yourself expect to be paid for household chores from your housemates who are also contributing to the chores (even though household members may occasionally partake in gift exchanges, such exchanges are not intended to provide an independent living for any of the household members).

If you constantly violate that credo and demand payment for sharing in the chores then you risk being made unwelcome in the household.

I guess I feel entitled to basic justice and equity. And efficiency.

You feel entitled, period. And that is big part of what is causing your misery.

duncan-bayne commented 3 years ago

Briefly removing my comic-troll hat, the problem with this entire situation is that it's going to be what outsiders see as part and parcel of the Common Lisp community.

Not the awesome tooling (I love showing off the abstraction cliff-dive from defmacro down to disassemble, all within minutes, all within SLIME), not the awesome management tools (Roswell, Quicklisp), not the awesome libraries ... but this sort of cringe-worthy melodrama playing out in a Github issue of all places.

Crazy Assholes

@Hexstream my $0.02 on how to salvage this:

  1. Lose the raving about mafia, threats, debunking etc. Just drop it on the floor and walk away. It's helping no-one.

  2. Pick a non-ambitious implementation target. Doesn't matter if it's an uptick in an important metric like language adoption, a new library, or whatever - just make it concrete and achievable. Lay out a roadmap for how you plan to attack it, and solicit donations scoped solely to achieving that target.

  3. Succeed at delivering (2), and publicise that fact.

  4. Repeat steps 2 to 3 with increasingly ambitious targets.

No-one cares about debunking, threats to the Lisp Mafia, or traffic to your website.

Everyone cares about outcomes: positive growth for the Common Lisp language, libraries, tooling, community, and commercial opportunities for its users. Achieve meaningful improvements to any one of those and people will be queuing up to support you.

genworks commented 3 years ago

Hi Duncan,

On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 7:44 PM Duncan Bayne notifications@github.com wrote:

Briefly removing my comic-troll hat, the problem with this entire situation is that it's going to be what outsiders see as part and parcel of the Common Lisp community.

We have realized this for a long time and have largely avoided confronting the issue because of not wanting to air our dirty laundry to "outsiders," as you are warning.

However it has reached a point where outsiders may initially and mistakenly see Hexstream's rantings themselves as "part and parcel of the Common Lisp community," and so the CL Mafia has decided that we can no longer stand by idly. And yes I'm still waiting for my AMG Mercedes (but still stuck in a 1999 ML 320 with 255,000 miles).

-- My Best,

Dave Cooper

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

Not enough mana.

(edit: Which obviously meant that I did not have enough energy left to respond immediately the same day.)

genworks commented 3 years ago

However it has reached a point where outsiders may initially and mistakenly see Hexstream's rantings themselves as "part and parcel of the Common Lisp community," and so the CL Mafia has decided that we can no longer stand by idly. And yes I'm still waiting for my AMG Mercedes (but still stuck in a 1999 ML 320 with 255,000 miles).

To be clear, although I'm a board member of the Common Lisp Foundation, my postings here consist of my own opinions and I am not speaking on behalf the CLF (nor on behalf of Genworks or the Gendl project). Opinions are my own.

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

If this tweet gets 10000+ RTs before 1 january 2021 I will delete my twitter after downloading a full archive.

(edit: Ok, all the slander can give rise to pretty interesting symptoms... I got a little moment of desperation right there, I'm much better now... I think we can still turn this fundraiser around!)

joaotavora commented 3 years ago


joaotavora commented 3 years ago

Still wonder why Lisp is perceived as loony park. Here's a jab at all the people who posted pop corn emoji and found this to be amusing --- "lisp isn't dying" because the technology sucks, "lisp is dying" because when someone takes a dump in the middle of the common room then some parts of the "community" go "haha look it's funny comedy" instead of moderating the hell out of the deranged room-shitter. if things go this way then we'll wait another century for someone to come replace Ron on his job, cause all the fresh blood chooses clojure or python because CL is obviously full of drama llamas --- like in this meme image where lisp is a shiv and anyone who uses it is probably dangerous.

It's a :hankey: in the middle of the room and then cowards like you roll around in it in 1000 word rants.

But OK, here's a non-porcorn take: just let Jean-Phillipe be. He seems a peculiar individual. If you feel very offended by something, talk to him in private, showing your face and some empathy, like you supposedly would if you lived next to him. I didn't know Jean-Phillipe and honestly clicked through the links to find about this apparently interesting fundraiser, then started getting suspicious. I certainly won't donate and felt a bit offended that he called it the "Common Lisp Revival" fundraiser, but really I'll survive that offense without telling anyone to go fuck himself. It's not a crime to not have a job. He only becomes "dangerous" because people like you hysterically give him the megaphone.

genworks commented 3 years ago

I can't really disagree with any of the below post (even though I'm right now violating the Thread Closed!!! sign). And I'm not gonna blame the author for remaining anonymous.

But somehow it was only today after all these years that I had seen the possibility simply to treat @HexStreamsoft as a parody account. After all he is constantly going on about "hilarity" -- it seems he's begging to have us wake up and understand that this has all been a long-running gag.

Essentially it looks like parody of the worst aspects of a stereotypical "lisp weenie" taken to absurd extremes. And this morning upon arising I had come to the conclusion that the only (or let's say best) way to deal with it is indeed to treat it like a parody account, play along in as lighthearted a manner as possible, and create enough context around it that it becomes more and more obviously a parody account for anyone first encountering it.

But at least two problems arise from jumping on what looks like this quick fix:

[Hexstream edit: Dave later retracted the below statement! https://github.com/Hexstream/sponsors.hexstreamsoft.com/issues/1#issuecomment-742107447]

1) he has been hoodwinking real money from people, and

2) the below (timely) post came along, and pointed out the obvious perspective that treating it as parody is akin to looking on and laughing while a home invader is slinging his excrement all over the house whilst simultaneously attempting to plunder the cashbox.

I'm seeing things both ways now. Sort of like one of these: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/548524429612713230/ face illusions. So it needs more discussion as far as I'm concerned.

[Quoted massive dump removed by Hexstream.]

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

Throwaway accounts will be thrown away. More anonymous cowardice is not the solution, here.

"Not enough mana." obviously meant that I didn't have enough energy to respond yesterday. And then this anonymous coward takes a huge dump right in the middle of the room. And to top it off, people who should know better straight up agree with him. Jesus Christ, people.

I'm going to respond to Ron and others mostly as if this massive coward hadn't taken a massive dump in the room. (Which I deleted.) If you want to take a massive dump in the room, at least do so under your real fucking name, if you're so damn proud of it.

edit: And before you cry "censorship", note that billions of people have the original text.

joaotavora commented 3 years ago

@genworks what if it's not a parody account and just the genuine ideas of someone that doesn't quite conform to your/our idea of normal? Can't we react to that difference in a more civilized way, perhaps yes, with hilarity, instead of supreme moral condemnation? If people give Jean Phillipe money, it's their problem, it's not like he's hiding anything (quite the contrary in fact, and quite in contrast to anonymous posters). He's certainly not stealing anything, that's absurd.

CuriousCain commented 3 years ago

The comment has been deleted by Jean-Philippe now, but it could be true the account is satire, potentially. I don't believe so but, even assuming this is true, the tirades of such an account that has specifically targetted individuals may have caused - and could cause - irreparable damage to their reputations, and/or careers. This has been ongoing for ~10 years. Personally, I don't believe Jean-Philippe is acting satirically, or maliciously, but has a hard time seeing that our criticisms are (in fact) an attempt to help him.

Before continuing, let me be clear: I care about Jean-Philippe, the person. I want to see Jean-Philippe succeed in his stated goals.

His goals, as stated, would be beneficial for Common Lisp, and anybody who uses Common Lisp. I think he has a very difficult time realising that our criticisms are actually presented to help him, and sees them as opposition, for whatever reason. The actual reason for why he sees it this way is inconsequential. Aspergers, OCPD, who gives a flying fuck what personality disorder he suffers with. What matters is that we have a person who is dedicated to a tool we love, enjoy, consider productive, and wants to promulgate such a thing. How can we get Jean-Philippe to realise that we actually want to achieve similar goals, but we aren't necessarily against him? Only that his instant jump-to-the-worst-possible-conclusion attitude is a net negative for himself and the wider Common Lisp community.

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

More like around 5 years, btw.

Hexstream commented 3 years ago


I don’t think you understand how this works.

I don't think you understand how I work. ;P

If your business model isn’t succeeding, the right thing to do is to change your business model, preferably in response to some actual market data.

As hopeless as it may seem to some, I'm going to continue to pursue the "give the world tons of cool stuff for free, and hope they throw some cash at me for free in return" business model, since it would be so perfectly ideal in my case.

The right thing is decidedly NOT to throw a hissy fit and then promise to start behaving professionally if and when people write you checks.

I have already demonstrated an ability to behave professionally in probably at least thousands of instances, even when it would have been easy to do otherwise. Sorry if I did not take the time to document them.

Being constantly and unfairly attacked and sabotaged from all sides for no fucking reason does provide quite a lot of opportunities for sounding unprofessional, if one decides to fight back instead of, for instance and as has been repeatedly suggested elsewhere, "making amends" with their torturers, and other spineless strategies.

You also don’t seem to understand the difference between a donation and an investment. An investment is money that you give someone with the expectation that they will use it to make a monetary profit which they will then share with you. Investments are structured with very specific expectations and specifications of how and when that return will happen depending on the success of the endeavor. Normally these structures take the form of debt or equity, but there are other possibilities as well, but in any case investments are always accompanied by an agreement, usually in the form of a legal document, specifying the terms under which the investment is being made. If there’s no investor agreement, there is by definition no investment.

A donation is money you give to a person or an organization in the hopes that they will do something with it that will generally end up making the world a better place, but without any expectation of a specific monetary return.

What you are soliciting here are donations, not investments. And since you are soliciting donations, prospective donors should be assessing whether giving you money will generally tend to make the world a better place. Speaking for myself, at the moment, that is far from clear.

To me, an "investment" is simply an expenditure of resources the return of which is expected or hoped to be greater than the investment, with respect to the net values of the expenditure and return to the investor.

Note that under this model, even pure no-strings-attached donations are investments.

HexstreamSoft Sponsors does support pure donations, but also see Advanced Perks, although in the current hilariously toxic environment where I am constantly, mercilessly and quite successfully slandered and even good, well-meaning people can't see straight, obviously they may not be worth much, which is of course the entire point of all the slander. Mission successful, as they say.

I should probably document why sponsoring me is a good investment better, but haven't had the time to do so yet.

rongarret commented 3 years ago

On Dec 9, 2020, at 10:17 AM, Jean-Philippe Paradis notifications@github.com wrote:

I don't think you understand how I work. ;P

That may well be. But you are the one asking me to write you a check, so what I think matters more.

I have already demonstrated an ability to behave professionally in probably at least thousands of instances, even when it would have been easy to do otherwise. Sorry if I did not take the time to document them.

I don’t care if you’ve behaved professionally in the past. What matters to me, if I’m going to support your work, is whether you can be relied on to behave professionally in the future. And I base that assessment in no small measure on what I observe in the present. One of the things that I observe is that you appear to be utterly and willfully blind to how your own conduct contributes to the situation you find yourself in, and how you can improve your situation by changing your conduct. Even if everything you have said about other people is true, you don’t improve your position by saying them, certainly not publicly. Sometimes in life you just have to suck it up. Speaking freely has costs. You can choose to indulge yourself, but then don’t bitch and moan when the costs are assessed against you because you have no one to blame but yourself.

It’s like this: if you want my money, you’re going to have to stop behaving like a jerk. It won’t be easy. It may well be the hardest thing you’ve ever done. But I think you will find that knowing how to not act like a jerk is actually a valuable skill with a wide range of applications, and so it’s worth putting some effort into. But it’s your call.

One constructive suggestion: if internalizing your grievances causes you more pain than you can bear, recruit a confidant to act as your agent, your public face. You might want to ask @genworks or @delaray because they seem to like you. Rant and rave to them in private, but let them do all your public talking for you. (Ask nicely, because they would be doing you a HUGE favor by agreeing to this.)


Hexstream commented 3 years ago


The intervention already started some time ago.

You mean in September 2018? Thank you again for this, it's truly epic!

I'm out here trying to find an exit strategy for it, so everyone can move on happily and with as much dignity as possible intact.

Funding me is the fast path to establishing dignity for everyone in the Common Lisp community.

This is an opportunity for you. Please take it. I've just about run out of ways I can think of to help as well as time & energy to continue paying attention to you.

Would you prefer to listen to what everyone is trying to say and strive for a personal transformation, or go back to being completely ignored.

Those are your choices.

I greatly appreciate your efforts.

I could probably afford to be more accommodating to people's (over)sensitivities, although that is a bit hard to do while wearing that heavy hazmat suit that I need to protect myself from the constant and endless torrents of bullshit thrown at me.

"we are dealing with an individual who will be quick to blame others for his troubles"

Although I am not perfect, blaming others is entirely fair in my situation. (And thank you for being a big part of that 5% criticism!)

Of course, the slanderers have a pretty good headstart, but in the end, integrity, which I embody, will prevail.

See if it helps what situation? The situation of you being a nuisance to the community?

I advise you to be careful with such statements, which those who are not clued in to your superior ethical framework might view as a threat bordering on extortion: "pay me or I'll continue my disruptive behavior." Now that could be construed as mafia behavior. Racketeering.

Come on. Get real.

The slanderers are the disruptors. I am the victim. I am requesting assistance in this battle, including of a financial nature.

Well, I can think of many risks. One is that donating to your speculative nebulous future efforts could undermine and discourage others who have made and continue to make tangible, heavily used and crucial contributions.

I have made and will continue to make tangible, heavily used and crucial contributions, and it would be easier to do if I stopped getting constantly and unfairly undermined, including by being denied even basic funding.

Again I strongly urge you to pursue a Plan B (or C or D) for personal revenue which does not involve our community.

I have been investing myself heavily into Common Lisp and the Common Lisp community for more than a decade, and will continue to do so for decades to come if possible, to everyone's benefit. I would like to continue investing most of my time and energy directly in this endeavor, and that's easier to do with proper funding, as I then don't have to divert my efforts elsewhere due to financial concerns.

You feel entitled, period. And that is big part of what is causing your misery.

Maybe everything would be way easier if I just completely abandoned the concept of ever being treated fairly. That would immediately erase almost all of my "entitlement", which apparently disqualifies me from being treated fairly.

delaray commented 3 years ago


Very well stated. Your objectivity and professional tone is quite refreshing especially in the context of this thread.

Just to be clear, what I honestly support is JP's enthousiasm and goals.

I think you have provided valuable advice and I sincerely hope that folks in this thread will be empowered by it.

Pierre-Raymond de Lacaze rpl@lispnyc.org

[Confusing repetition of Ron's message (https://github.com/Hexstream/sponsors.hexstreamsoft.com/issues/1#issuecomment-741992201) removed by Hexstream to compensate against Outlook bug. See edit history to verify.]

danlentz commented 3 years ago

In terms of thinking about your business model, maybe a feature/bounty model could succeed with less friction than donations and money throwing — at least at first? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-source_bounty In general, there could be some features I might consider contributing towards. Not as a political or social cause, but because I’d see concrete benefit for specific goals that aligned with my own. And, of course, some form of peer review.

On Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 2:20 PM Ron Garret notifications@github.com wrote:

On Dec 9, 2020, at 10:17 AM, Jean-Philippe Paradis < notifications@github.com> wrote:

I don't think you understand how I work. ;P

That may well be. But you are the one asking me to write you a check, so what I think matters more.

I have already demonstrated an ability to behave professionally in probably at least thousands of instances, even when it would have been easy to do otherwise. Sorry if I did not take the time to document them.

I don’t care if you’ve behaved professionally in the past. What matters to me, if I’m going to support your work, is whether you can be relied on to behave professionally in the future. And I base that assessment in no small measure on what I observe in the present. One of the things that I observe is that you appear to be utterly and willfully blind to how your own conduct contributes to the situation you find yourself in, and how you can improve your situation by changing your conduct. Even if everything you have said about other people is true, you don’t improve your position by saying them, certainly not publicly. Sometimes in life you just have to suck it up. Speaking freely has costs. You can choose to indulge yourself, but then don’t bitch and moan when the costs are assessed against you because you have no one to blame but yourself.

It’s like this: if you want my money, you’re going to have to stop behaving like a jerk. It won’t be easy. It may well be the hardest thing you’ve ever done. But I think you will find that knowing how to not act like a jerk is actually a valuable skill with a wide range of applications, and so it’s worth putting some effort into. But it’s your call.

One constructive suggestion: if internalizing your grievances causes you more pain than you can bear, recruit a confidant to act as your agent, your public face. You might want to ask @genworks or @delaray because they seem to like you. Rant and rave to them in private, but let them do all your public talking for you. (Ask nicely, because they would be doing you a HUGE favor by agreeing to this.)


— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/Hexstream/sponsors.hexstreamsoft.com/issues/1#issuecomment-741992201, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AAACDSQQA76QN24TP3OIQBDST7EXPANCNFSM4UPUXQNQ .

Hexstream commented 3 years ago


Briefly removing my comic-troll hat, the problem with this entire situation is that it's going to be what outsiders see as part and parcel of the Common Lisp community.

Unfortunately, it's going to get worse before it gets better... but it's going to get better faster if everyone stops shooting the messenger. ;)

this sort of cringe-worthy melodrama playing out in a Github issue of all places.

Actually, I do not believe there exists a better platform for this particular discussion at this point in time.

Lose the raving about mafia, threats, debunking etc. Just drop it on the floor and walk away. It's helping no-one. [...] No-one cares about debunking, threats to the Lisp Mafia [...]

Well, I will completely debunk phoe in 2021, but besides that, I'm really mostly done with the Common Lisp mafia stuff. He is way more obsessed with it than I am, these days. This stuff is quickly becoming historical. Or was it hysterical?

At least, "nobody even knows Hexstream exists" won't quite cut it anymore, and that's already a great start.

Pick a non-ambitious implementation target. Doesn't matter if it's an uptick in an important metric like language adoption, a new library, or whatever - just make it concrete and achievable. Lay out a roadmap for how you plan to attack it, and solicit donations scoped solely to achieving that target.

Succeed at delivering (2), and publicise that fact.

Repeat steps 2 to 3 with increasingly ambitious targets.

I already have plenty of concrete contributions under my belt, and I think my roadmap is pretty inspiring. I just don't think the bounty model would be suitable for me, for various reasons. For instance, both my apparent and actual productivity vary pretty wildly over time, and are in fact often mostly unrelated, since I often work on something for weeks or months before an initial release, all squashed into a single "Initial commit.". Also, the actual value of my contributions is oftentimes much higher than their perceived value, for various reasons. And all the slander definitely doesn't help with attracting fair reviews and other forms of help.

No-one cares about [...] traffic to your website.

Come on. I keep getting hard and soft censored everywhere, so it's nice to finally have some proof that my work is actually at least somewhat popular, and that's so damn inconvenient to the slanderers that some of them are throwing themselves straight into neurological damage territory with complete abandon in a pathetic attempt at dismissing it.

Everyone cares about outcomes: positive growth for the Common Lisp language, libraries, tooling, community, and commercial opportunities for its users. Achieve meaningful improvements to any one of those and people will be queuing up to support you.

Giving me a bit of funding is one the most cost-effective ways of helping achieve most of these goals.

Hexstream commented 3 years ago


I can't really disagree with any of the below post (even though I'm right now violating the Thread Closed!!! sign). And I'm not gonna blame the author for remaining anonymous.

Far below expectations. We already have plenty of real people to discuss with. There is no need for angry anonymous cowards taking big dumps right in the middle of the room, and even less need for real people like you to sanctify it.

But somehow it was only today after all these years that I had seen the possibility simply to treat @HexStreamsoft as a parody account. After all he is constantly going on about "hilarity" -- it seems he's begging to have us wake up and understand that this has all been a long-running gag.

Essentially it looks like parody of the worst aspects of a stereotypical "lisp weenie" taken to absurd extremes. And this morning upon arising I had come to the conclusion that the only (or let's say best) way to deal with it is indeed to treat it like a parody account, play along in as lighthearted a manner as possible, and create enough context around it that it becomes more and more obviously a parody account for anyone first encountering it.

What's truly hilarious is that I am dead serious.

1) he has been hoodwinking real money from people, and

2) the below (timely) post came along, and pointed out the obvious perspective that treating it as parody is akin to looking on and laughing while a home invader is slinging his excrement all over the house whilst simultaneously attempting to plunder the cashbox.

Could we please leave the slander to the slanderers? I have never deceived anyone about anything in the last decade, at least. (And almost never before that.)

So it needs more discussion as far as I'm concerned.

Absolutely! Fair scrutiny is to my direct advantage, so I welcome it with open arms! I always have.

I hope you find my replies enlightening. I believe we still have time to make some good progress before the fundraiser ends very soon. (10 december 2020 inclusive.)

Hexstream commented 3 years ago


@genworks what if it's not a parody account and just the genuine ideas of someone that doesn't quite conform to your/our idea of normal? Can't we react to that difference in a more civilized way, perhaps yes, with hilarity, instead of supreme moral condemnation? If people give Jean Phillipe money, it's their problem, it's not like he's hiding anything (quite the contrary in fact, and quite in contrast to anonymous posters). He's certainly not stealing anything, that's absurd.

Thank you!!


the tirades of such an account that has specifically targetted individuals may have caused - and could cause - irreparable damage to their reputations, and/or careers.

Well, I guess I don't necessarily see causing irreparable damage to the reputations and/or careers of super corrupt people as a bad thing, but don't worry, I have had apparently almost no success whatsoever in that endeavor, and I have pretty much given up winning that battle.

My complete debunking of phoe in 2021 will be deeply hilarious, though, I guarantee it. Of course, that's not even going to slow him down even one bit, but that's besides the point.

I think he has a very difficult time realising that our criticisms are actually presented to help him

Well, I do greatly appreciate the 5% of people who throw fair criticism my way, but make no mistake, the slanderers (the other 95%) are in no way trying to help me, and especially not when they are trying to gaslight me and others into believing that they really are.

genworks commented 3 years ago



Could we please leave the slander to the slanderers? I have never deceived anyone about anything in the last decade, at least.

Fair enough. Calling what you do “Hoodwinking” was not appropriate. I take it back. My apologies.

Now I’m saying bye to this thread. I hope everything works out as it’s meant to be.

-- My Best,

Dave Cooper, david.cooper@gen.works genworks.com, gendl.org +1 248-330-2979

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

Fair enough. Calling what you do “Hoodwinking” was not appropriate. I take it back. My apologies.

Thank you for everything you've done! You went above and beyond! Feel free to take some rest.

Now I’m saying bye to this thread. I hope everything works out as it’s meant to be.

Everything will be fine if other genuinely caring people enter the discussion and/or help make the fundraiser successful, in any way. We still have time!

Hexstream commented 3 years ago


That may well be. But you are the one asking me to write you a check, so what I think matters more.

Obviously. I do think there will be, or should be, a very significant relation between your understanding of the situation and the size of your check, given the nature of my work and the crucial importance of your financial contribution towards its empowerment, especially right now before the fundraiser ends. The entire Common Lisp community stands to benefit! I always do my best to align myself with "win-win-win" scenarios.

I don’t care if you’ve behaved professionally in the past. What matters to me, if I’m going to support your work, is whether you can be relied on to behave professionally in the future. And I base that assessment in no small measure on what I observe in the present.

Well, I can only hope that my last few replies in the present give you a pretty good hint about my current and future capabilities. I always find it much easier to be professional with real people like you than random slanderers, anonymous or otherwise.

One of the things that I observe is that you appear to be utterly and willfully blind to how your own conduct contributes to the situation you find yourself in, and how you can improve your situation by changing your conduct.

I could afford to do some efforts in that field, but note that "my conduct" is almost entirely a symptom of the extremely toxic environment that I am basically trying to forcefully drag to a state of dignity against its will. There is no clean and easy way to do this, although it will be much cleaner and easier if I get at least some basic funding... :sweat_smile:

Even if everything you have said about other people is true, you don’t improve your position by saying them, certainly not publicly. [...] Speaking freely has costs. You can choose to indulge yourself, but then don’t bitch and moan when the costs are assessed against you because you have no one to blame but yourself.

Hilariously true, unfortunately. Blaming me for being ethical enough to publicly disclose the ugly truths that nobody wants to hear and everyone absolutely must hear is probably a bit much, though. Honestly, I could have whispered the truths in countless ears for decades without even having any impact whatsoever. I instead chose the public disclosures approach, which is already starting to bear fruit after only about 5 years.

Sometimes in life you just have to suck it up.

Exactly, and sometimes you're so privileged like me that you feel obligated to put that privilege to good use for a good cause, even if it means very significant personal incomfort for a prolonged period. Seriously, I could just have shut up and/or resigned myself to use blub and my career would be superficially extremely awesome right now. You could help giving me back some of my lost comfort by helping to fund me so that I can do even more good in the world.

It’s like this: if you want my money, you’re going to have to stop behaving like a jerk. It won’t be easy. It may well be the hardest thing you’ve ever done. But I think you will find that knowing how to not act like a jerk is actually a valuable skill with a wide range of applications, and so it’s worth putting some effort into. But it’s your call.

Sure, I'm going to put some more effort into it, and frankly, this is much easier to do than a lot of my other accomplishments, and I have already become much more tame along the years, and it will be even easier with increasing success. Unfortunately, my impending success rightfully scares a lot of powerful people, and the resulting increasingly unhinged attacks I am facing and my reaction to them sometimes greatly obscure the fact of my increasingly zen state of being.

One constructive suggestion: if internalizing your grievances causes you more pain than you can bear, recruit a confidant to act as your agent, your public face. You might want to ask @genworks or @delaray because they seem to like you. Rant and rave to them in private, but let them do all your public talking for you. (Ask nicely, because they would be doing you a HUGE favor by agreeing to this.)

Frankly, I think that would be a great loss to the world. Radical transparency is a hard requirement for me, and there is clearly nobody who would be more apt at representing me than myself.

Hexstream commented 3 years ago



Very well stated. Your objectivity and professional tone is quite refreshing especially in the context of this thread.


Just to be clear, what I honestly support is JP's enthousiasm and goals.

Thank you! Your support in this thread has been and continues to be absolutely critical!!

I think you have provided valuable advice and I sincerely hope that folks in this thread will be empowered by it.

We are! :)

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

Common Lisp Revival 2020 Fundraiser ends today!

This has been a batshit insane 12 days.

Basically, at this point I'm out of steam and waiting on possible large donations or other major events.

To anyone listening, I am relying on your support.

Thank you.

rongarret commented 3 years ago

On Dec 9, 2020, at 4:05 PM, Jean-Philippe Paradis notifications@github.com wrote:

Blaming me for being ethical enough to publicly disclose the ugly truths that nobody wants to hear and everyone absolutely must hear is probably a bit much, though.

Is it?

Here are two hypotheses to explain what I observe here:

  1. Phoe is “neurologically damaged” in point of actual fact, you have correctly diagnosed this, and you are correct in your assessment that it is essential for “everyone” to be informed of your diagnosis.

  2. You have publicly leveled a charge of neurological damage at Phoe without any basis in actual fact, but rather because he disparaged your work and you’re pissed off at him.

Which of these seems more probable to you?

FWIW, when I assess the probability of hypothesis #1 I find myself wondering: do you have any training in diagnosing neurological damage? Have you had an opportunity to examine Phoe in a clinical setting? Have you ever even met him at all, or are you basing your diagnosis entirely on what you’ve read on his twitter feed? And who is “everyone”? There are seven billion people on the planet, is it really essential that every last one of them receive the word of Phoe’s neurological damage? These seem to me like reasonable questions to ask, but they are questions that you appear not to have considered (or at least anticipated) because you have offered no hint of answers to any of them. You’ve simply claimed the ethical high ground on the basis of having exposed some essential truths without offering any evidence that these truths are in fact essential to disclose on any quality metric other than your own personal self-interest, or even that these “truths” are actually true.

So no, I don’t think that calling you out on this is “a bit much”. To the contrary, there appear to me to be some ugly truths here that absolutely everyone must hear, and if I follow your example I would be ethically bound to publicly disclose them.

And that is why your approach doesn’t work. It requires someone to be the arbiter of what are the essential truths that everyone absolutely must hear. And while it is very noble of you to step up to the plate and volunteer to take on this weighty responsibility, the whole thing falls apart as soon as a someone else decides they want the job.


Hexstream commented 3 years ago

Congratulations Ron Garret, you have successfully been scammed by Michał Herda.

You are not the first one, and you will not be the last.

Also, the "ugly truths that nobody wants to hear and everyone absolutely must hear" mostly referred to this mostly historical shit, which I am sure you will immediately fall in love with.

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

Alright, Ron Garret, let me tell you one thing.

I empathize with you for falling for Michał Herda's scam(s), since you obviously haven't had time to investigate this properly yet. Indeed, this is pretty much his entire strategy. He is attacking me at this time because he knows I don't have time to properly debunk him because of the fundraiser. I have consistently debunked him in near real-time in the past.

If you are that enamored with his huge corpus of maliciously misleading shit and straight up lies, then you can go ahead and take a deep dive in it and confront me with what you think is his best "arguments". I will be happy to debunk them in real-time piece by piece for you and everyone else. Given a fair trial, I will stand up to scrutiny, he will not.

I strongly suggest you do this, lest this become your permanent black mark as someone who understandably fell for a scam and then failed to properly investigate when pressed.

edit: Note that Michał Herda (phoe) is already seeing a psychologist and a psychiatrist, and I have publicly wished him best of luck in his treatment. Given what I have seen of and publicly denounced about his behavior, I think it is not a stretch to suggest that he should also see a neurologist.

delaray commented 3 years ago


FWIW : I would honestly recommend taking any feud between yourself and “Phoe”, (who by the way I’ve never heard of and I know quite a lot of people in the CL community) offline. It doesn’t serve your purpose to make this “feud” a “first-class object”, in fact it, imo, only hurts your cause.

I would encourage you to have the confidence to move forward with your goals and your vision, put energy into those endeavors, rather than “wasting” energy in refuting those who are dissing you. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that this will be (perhaps ironically) better perceived and supported by the greater CL community, on the one hand, and on the other hand, I quite frankly think you’ll feel more appreciated as well which is an important and non-negligible aspect of contributing to a community.

This is my 2 cents worth and strictly in the realm of IMHO (or IMNSHO).



Raymond-Pierre de Lacaze rpl@lispnyc.org

[Confusing repetition of Hexstream's message (https://github.com/Hexstream/sponsors.hexstreamsoft.com/issues/1#issuecomment-742685550) removed by Hexstream to compensate against Outlook bug. See edit history to verify.]

Hexstream commented 3 years ago


Thank you. I appreciate your perspective and I think it is probably valid in general.

In my case, though, I have made a permanent and irrevocable commitment to radical transparency, in large part because I know or believe I can afford it thanks to my relatively great privilege. I think it would be a great loss to the world if I suddenly gave up on that.

I would not know how to live any other way, and it would be very weird and suspicious if I suddenly fell completely silent, especially right after finally getting some "real" (but mostly slanderous) opposition after facing several years of almost complete silence which I repeatedly denounced and offered as strong implicit proof that I am right. How would that not make me look like a debunked scam artist?

The world needs at least a few people like me, and I am humbly requesting support from caring people like you to be even more effective in my painful but rightful crusades.


“Phoe”, who by the way I’ve never heard of and I know quite a lot of people in the CL community

That's funny, but I assure you that phoe is, or was, a valued Common Lisp contributor before he decided to almost completely overshadow that by becoming a scam artist literally overnight. (I do have a propensity to be fair even to my worst enemies.)

delaray commented 3 years ago


By no means do I think you should be silent.

Quite the contrary, I encourage you to be vehemently vocal.

I would simply prefer to read about your voracious visions, your enticing endeavors and your enterprising efforts for Common Lisp rather than be the reluctant recipient of the beligerent battles with your anarchous archenemies such as the fiercley fiendish Phoe.

Tell us more about your goals and vision and let the garbage collector handle your Foes.

Télécharger Outlook pour Androidhttps://aka.ms/ghei36

From: Jean-Philippe Paradis notifications@github.com Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2020 7:29:44 PM To: Hexstream/sponsors.hexstreamsoft.com sponsors.hexstreamsoft.com@noreply.github.com Cc: Pierre de Lacaze delaray@hotmail.com; Mention mention@noreply.github.com Subject: Re: [Hexstream/sponsors.hexstreamsoft.com] Please support the Common Lisp Revival 2020 Fundraiser!!! (#1)


Thank you. I appreciate your perspective and I think it is probably valid in general.

In my case, though, I have made a permanent and irrevocable commitment to radical transparency, in large part because I know or believe I can afford it thanks to my relatively great privilege. I think it would be a great loss to the world if I suddenly gave up on that.

I would not know how to live any other way, and it would be very weird and suspicious if I suddenly fell completely silent, especially right after finally getting some real opposition after several years of almost complete silence which I repeatedly denounced and offered as strong implicit proof that I am right. How would that not make me look like a debunked scam artist?

The world needs at least a few people like me, and I am humbly requesting support from caring people like you to be even more effective in my painful but rightful crusades.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/Hexstream/sponsors.hexstreamsoft.com/issues/1#issuecomment-742709355, or unsubscribehttps://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AAKYSSXADMI7TOFKRGZHURLSUEHRRANCNFSM4UPUXQNQ.

Hexstream commented 3 years ago


Alright, well you can thank me for immediately refusing to let phoe himself shit all over this thread (which would have been instant death), among other crucial moderation decisions I made that allowed this thread to be viable and productive.

I just want to make clear that phoe has substantially nothing useful to say about me, and hopefully Ron in particular will quickly come to realize this.

I am very heartened that you remain stoic in the face of this slanderous disruptor. I greatly appreciate your crucial assistance and patience in this difficult campaign.

edit: And thank you for fixing the Outlook bug? ;)

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

We still have a few hours at most before my GitHub Sponsors doubler expires.

If anyone wants to get a large donation in at the last minute (Pierre?), then please go to the fundraiser page right now and if there is still a banner at the top saying that GitHub will double your contribution, then you still have time!!

In any case, given the existence of this epic thread, I am very optimistic about my post-fundraiser prospects in the coming months.

Thank you.

edit: To be clear, GitHub said that my doubler expires on 11 december, but I decided that 10 december would be the official end of the fundraiser because I didn't want to start counting timezones and stuff.

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

In the interest of radical transparency, here is Too Much Information™ about me.

I hope some of you find this inspiring. There is still some time left before my doubler expires...

edit: Updated version available. Refresh.

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

Alright! Common Lisp Revival 2020 Fundraiser has finished. The fundraiser was a financial failure, probably mostly due to starting late. My bad! THANK YOU to all participants! I'm very hopeful about my post-fundraiser prospects, thanks to this EPIC THREAD! (Tweeted.)

There is quite a lot more to say about this, but it's late and I'm very exhausted so I'll try to wrap this thing up before Christmas, I have quite a lot of work to do for this. And there will no doubt be quite a lot of interesting stuff happening post-fundraiser, as this still has been a relatively high-profile event. (It's all relative!)

This thread will remain open as long as I deem it useful, and I will actively moderate it as needed. Thank you!

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

Deleted @goffa48's message and blocked him. This is a 3 days old anonymous account which I reported.

There will be no glorification of doxing in here. This will always be an instaban.

lispegistus commented 3 years ago

Hello everyone. My name is Pavel, some of you might know me, for the rest, I'm a lisper with minuscule public contributions to the community, but I do use common lisp professionally to a degree now, so I guess I count as more than just a lisp fan :)

I've tried to stay out of this mess for years and when hex contacted me about the fundraiser I basically told him that I didn't buy his allegations but engaged with him and gave him I think a fare chance to explain himself, spend a couple of days thinking about it carefully before I responded too. After some back and forth I decided to contribute a small, almost symbolic amount with the strong advice that he use it in order to asses his mental health, rather than use it towards any contribution to lisp he might be planning as I felt that would benefit both him and his work better and the community better.

I planned to stay away after that as I have much much bigger worries in my private life than the public drama of the open source world. I told him not to contact me and that I was done. Unfortunately, in the 30?ish hours since I last spoke with him, things seem to have deteriorated somewhat with him intentionally doxing himself for some incomprehensible reason and trying to put the blame on others by insinuating that it was preemptive?! One screenshot I saw had him giving his address and warning people not to come uninvited. I'm sorry, that prompted me once again to insist you seek help.

You're verging into self-harm territory here. You claimed to have "come to your senses" quickly, but you have told me multiple times that you are "dangerously sane" is that what this means? Dangerously sane only some of the time?

To be clear, I absolutely do not consider neurodivergence to be a form of mental illness. Very far from it. I am strongly opposed to the stigma people on the spectrum are subject to. But abusive and extreme behavior certainly is a sign, and even if neurodivergence is not a mental illness in and of itself, managing it's social consequences can be very rough without help.

I also share your fear that the mental health industry is very much filled with all sorts of quackery and prejudice, I had to deal with it myself this year on several occasions and I would agree, but just like tech, competent, compassionate professionals who know what they are doing do exist and as challenging as it is to find them, it is not impossible. Please do try.

Go with health and prosperity, Pavel "Lispegistus" Penev

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

Thank you for trying to help, Pavel. You are actually helping, just not exactly in the way you thought you were. I'm pretty tired today (and hopefully, everyone will understand why) but I'll try to address one particular point, which I am glad you are giving me such a great opportunity to expand on. Sorry, this will be pretty badly written.

Unfortunately, in the 30?ish hours since I last spoke with him, things seem to have deteriorated somewhat with him intentionally doxing himself for some incomprehensible reason and trying to put the blame on others by insinuating that it was preemptive?! One screenshot I saw had him giving his address and warning people not to come uninvited. I'm sorry, that prompted me once again to insist you seek help.

You're verging into self-harm territory here. You claimed to have "come to your senses" quickly, but you have told me multiple times that you are "dangerously sane" is that what this means? Dangerously sane only some of the time?

Since times immemorial, I have always refused to use "privacy protection" services for WHOIS, systematically disabling them when possible. These days, some services perhaps wisely don't even support that option, or in any case, the information is obscured in many ways in many places and not particularly easy to find.

My reasoning was, quite simply, I really have nothing to hide, and I basically don't really mind if someone successfully maps out some of the domains that I own. This aligns with my usual ideals of radical transparency, and I thought, since I am a Privileged White Male™, I might as well use my opportunity to signal, "hey, I'm just a guy, I'm not some random troll who needs to hide, and there's really no legitimate reason anyone would want to hurt me anyway, so I don't really care to hide my personal information, whatever". Obviously, quite a lot of people couldn't even consider doing that, for a panoply of entirely legitimate reasons, including potential consequences including death in whatever countries and stuff.

The other big part of my reasoning was, well, I've lived in the exact same house for 34 fucking years, my entire fucking life, and frankly I pretty much want to live here forever, and like, A LOT of local people know exactly where I live, including old enemies or whatever, and there's my full address in like countless databases online or whatever. So like, the probability of that information eventually leaking, especially given my ever increasing "notoriety" is, like, literally 100%. So I figured there is not much point even trying to hide it. On top of that, pretty much nothing bad ever happens in the city where I live, like, the murder rate is 0 or something like that. Great place!

Enter Michał Herda (phoe).

See this fucking shit. (I called him out here.)

So. Back to his stupid fucking tweet. I probably don't even need to mention that "he just published what seems to be his complete address and phone details himself." is at least dangerously maliciously misleading, or frankly even a complete lie. I did deliberately disable WHOIS protection, but still.

On top of that, if you went to the page that the screenshot is from (at the time where I still had WHOIS protection disabled), if you have javascript enabled like a normal human being, then the page actually obscures the personal information with "REDACTED FOR PRIVACY", which is in fact one of the reasons why I thought leaving WHOIS protection off was really not a big deal. (I had no idea this feature was javascript-only.) So phoe deliberately misrepresents that the information is just automatically and always presented to everyone who visits that page, which is patently false. In fact, I immediately thought that his screenshot was fake (in part because of the obviously bogus "last updated" date) and almost publicly called him out, until I saved the URL in the Wayback Machine and saw that the information was actually there. What the fuck.

So. Per my initial reasoning above (100% chance of a leak, which had already definitely fallen in the worst possible hands), once that happened, it seemed a viable option to just publish my address in an attempt to preempt any other [CENSORED] like him from having an impact. So I rushed to finish my "whoami" project, which I already thought maybe I should publish before the end of the fundraiser since I thought it might possibly help, and it seemed like a logical place to publish my address. https://whoami.hexstream.xyz/

The initial version had a "I am not hiding" link to https://whoami.hexstream.xyz/dox/, which contained my real address and some warnings. After thinking about it for a few hours, though, I decided that this was a really fucking stupid idea, and would most likely result in a permanently decreased quality of life for no reason. Although my address is definitely already out there, that's already a big step if it's at least completely and grossly illegal to share it publicly, which is of course invalidated if I continuously and deliberately publish it myself for everyone to see. It's a numbers game... So right then I just immediately activate WHOIS protection for all my domains and I do my best to wipe out my address from my site, including the git history.

Enter Michał Herda (phoe). Again.

See this fucking shit. I called him out here.

Of course, see his disgusting fucking follow ups to his stupid fucking tweet. I don't even want to explain the gaslighting [CENSORED] in there, it ought to be pretty obvious.

So yeah. Am I not at least pretty close to dangerously sane, Pavel? [CENSORED]

Does anyone doubt that Michał Herda (phoe) is a dangerous scam artist anymore? No? Good.

easye commented 3 years ago

Since times immemorial, I have always refused to use "privacy protection" services for WHOIS, systematically disabling them when possible.

Privacy is not necessarily about hiding: it is a necessary space for the individual to grow. Without a private, we cannot conceive of having a public.

lispegistus commented 3 years ago

Yeah, that's really stupid. Your intelligence is failing you greatly here. That string of reasoning is barely coherent. And furthermore, after looking into Michał, who I didn't follow until you brought him up, I'm fairly certain he is not what you allege he is. That's just how us eastern Europeans are like when you manage to royally piss us off and not get the hint :) Seriously, going after people the way you do with the leaps of logic you do not only hurts them but also hurts you because everybody sees how ridiculous your reasoning is. I explained to you how I think your mental models are failing you. I think the people who think you are malicious are somewhat justified, even though I think you're merely confused. Not to mention how it looks from outside our lisp bubble, I've seen several people already claim that they've had significant difficulty getting lisp work approved by management because your non-sense pops up when they google the language. I didn't even consider that until very recently.

luismbo commented 3 years ago

I've seen several people already claim that they've had significant difficulty getting lisp work approved by management because your non-sense pops up when they google the language.

Do you have an example of a generic Common Lisp-related search query that turns up non-sense?

lispegistus commented 3 years ago

@luismbo no, I saw some tweets in a phoe thread claiming stuff like that.

delaray commented 3 years ago

On the lighter side of things, I was once googling LispNYC but accidentally typed in LipsNYC which turned out the following results:


Télécharger Outlook pour Androidhttps://aka.ms/ghei36

From: Luís Oliveira notifications@github.com Sent: Sunday, December 13, 2020 2:35:40 PM To: Hexstream/sponsors.hexstreamsoft.com sponsors.hexstreamsoft.com@noreply.github.com Cc: Pierre de Lacaze delaray@hotmail.com; Mention mention@noreply.github.com Subject: Re: [Hexstream/sponsors.hexstreamsoft.com] Please support the Common Lisp Revival 2020 Fundraiser!!! (#1)

I've seen several people already claim that they've had significant difficulty getting lisp work approved by management because your non-sense pops up when they google the language.

Do you have an example of a generic Common Lisp-related search query that turns up non-sense?

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/Hexstream/sponsors.hexstreamsoft.com/issues/1#issuecomment-744008936, or unsubscribehttps://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AAKYSSQMSI2JH75Q4FZRM63SUS7KZANCNFSM4UPUXQNQ.

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

edit 4, 27 january 2021:

On 13 december 2020, my twitter account got locked for no reason and I submitted my first appeal:

My tweet calls out relentless harasser phoe for basically doxing me. I received a notification yesterday that twitter agrees phoe violated the twitter rules.

On 18 december 2020, my first appeal was rejected for no reason.

On 27 december 2020, I submitted a second appeal:

This guy created his account specifically to harass me with countless insane slanders, and my tweet calls him out for DOXING ME, why lock my account for this???

As of 27 january 2021, I'm still awaiting the verdict on that second appeal.

Unfortunately, it seems like @HexstreamSoft, the Common Lispiest twitter since July 2012, which had never even been locked before, might now be locked forever because I called out my doxer who created his twitter account specifically to harass me.

(Twitter gives me the "option" of deleting my tweet, thereby pleading guilty, perjuring myself and getting a strike on my account, which is obviously completely out of the question.)

Essentially, twitter has officially agreed with me that Michał Herda (phoe) is a doxer.

phoe is officially a doxer

I have no idea why his account is still up. (edit: After reviewing the twitter rules a bit, it seems that he got a first strike, but he would need a second one for his account to be banned.)

Unfortunately, phoe successfully scammed twitter into locking my account and demanding that I delete my tweet calling out his doxing. I submitted an appeal and am awaiting the verdict. The tweet I called out is this one, I have no idea why it's still up (or why his almost 100% harassment-based account is still up even after he was found guilty of doxing).

I was planning to wait until I receive the verdict before determining my next steps and possibly making official announcements, but phoe started bragging about successfully scamming twitter into thinking I am the harasser for calling out his doxing...

edit: Oh, and the exact text of my appeal in their very character-limited text box was:

My tweet calls out relentless harasser phoe for basically doxing me. I received a notification yesterday that twitter agrees phoe violated the twitter rules.

("that" should have been "stating".)

edit 2: 100th (undeleted) comment in this thread, incidentally. Can't make this shit up...

edit 3: Also see my previous post about the doxing.