Hexstream / sponsors.hexstreamsoft.com

Please sponsor me to speed up the development of Common Lisp Open Source!
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Please support the Common Lisp Revival 2020 Fundraiser!!! #1

Open Hexstream opened 3 years ago

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

I'm the canary in the coal mine, and I'm almost dead.


[edit: Also see the urgent appeal, since I replaced the link at the start of the pitch to point here instead of there.]

Sorry for the mass ping, but this is extremely important and I should have done this way earlier, I just didn't think of GitHub as "social media"...

Please support the Common Lisp Revival 2020 Fundraiser!!! The deadline is 10 december 2020!!

Here is the post on twitter and on LinkedIn. Please spread far and wide for the eternal glory of Common Lisp!! And please make a donation if you can afford it.

Also see my urgent appeal to LispWorks, Franz, the Common Lisp Foundation, Paul Graham, Planck EZ, and everyone else for additional context. Here is the post on twitter and on LinkedIn.

Please make sure to sponsor me from an account able to give out doublers, you should see a banner confirming this at the top (when logged in).

Also beware of prorating, which might significantly cut down your contribution if you are not careful. Any prorating will be announced on the checkout page, and you may need to sponsor at a higher tier to arrive at the amount that you intended to contribute.

I am inviting the following people (and everyone else interested) to help make the Common Lisp Revival 2020 Fundraiser successful! I simply found them on the Common Lispers list and removed a few, such as (most of?) those that I am quite sure will not be interested.

@svetlyak40wt @guicho271828 @cbaggers @telent @mbattyani @duncan-bayne @artob @mdbergmann @eudoxia0 @kingcons @ahungry @rudolfochrist @ebrasca @genworks @pcostanza @cracauer @sabracrolleton @cxxxr @thodg @delaray @vindarel @orivej @pfdietz @vseloved @xrme @easye @dimitri @michaeljforster @froydnj @antifuchs @fukamachi @rongarret @Slids @lukego @macdavid313 @chaitanyagupta @slyrus @marijnh @froggey @ahefner @marcoheisig @bhyde @kaygun @lispnik @pkhuong @gwkkwg @borodust @fiddlerwoaroof @danlentz @sjl

Hexstream commented 3 years ago

I'm the canary in the coal mine and I'm almost dead, just to let you know.

Of course, they'll kill me even more after this, and my life is almost 100% guaranteed to be a hilarious shitshow for the next few (several?) years unless at least some people wake the fuck up and decide to actually do something concrete and meaningful that will actually help the fucking situation, which is frankly almost fucking impossible.

I could probably save the situation pretty much entirely on my own (which would inevitably take much less effort than making people understand patently obvious truths) once my second web framework is ready, but without funding, I'm not sure if I'll even be (meaningfully) alive by then. The Common Lisp mafia already effectively shut down my twitter indefinitely for no reason, and there is no indication that they are going to stop there. Indeed, why would they refrain from destroying the Common Lisp community even more when they are facing nearly infinite upside and almost literally zero downside for doing so? There is a pretty significant chance that I'll lose nearly fucking everything meaningful in my life before I can even complete my second web framework.

So yeah. Bystander effect is literally a killer. If you're going to do something concrete and useful one day, then do it now, don't just wait while the shitshow gets ever more shitty.

edit, 24 march 2021: Phoe posted his first reasonable response in 3+ months, which is extremely surprising.

edit, 27 march 2021: Phoe already resumed posting yet more stupid fucking scams, which is extremely unsurprising.