Hexxeh / spotify-websocket-api

Spotify Websocket API is a fully open source Spotify library based on the WebSocket API used in the Spotify Web beta
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Spotify WebSocket API Build Status

Getting started

NOTE: This API will only work with paid Spotify accounts. I'm perfectly fine with this restriction and won't be attempting to circumvent it, nor will I merge patches that do. It'd only end in a game of cat and mouse which is a waste of everyone's time. If you like Spotify, buy a Premium account and tell the industry that it's a great payment model for music.

Firstly, try out the demo script to make sure you've got the dependencies installed properly:

Then you can try one of the example scripts

cd examples
python blocking.py <username> <password> album

This should show an album title and a list of track titles for it.

Using the API is pretty simple, here's the basics:

sp = Spotify("username", "password")
results = sp.search("carly rae jepsen")
for track in results.getTrack()
  print track

Experimental client

Included is an experimental client called respotify, based on this API. It's almost identical to despotify-simple in terms of functionality. Be sure to have the following additional dependencies installed:

Once you've installed these, you can run the client like this:

cd clients/respotify
./respotify.py <username> <password>

                                   _    ___       
                               _  (_)  / __)      
  ____ _____  ___ ____   ___ _| |_ _ _| |__ _   _ 
 / ___) ___ |/___)  _ \ / _ (_   _) (_   __) | | |
| |   | ____|___ | |_| | |_| || |_| | | |  | |_| |
|_|   |_____|___/|  __/ \___/  \__)_| |_|   \__  |
                 |_|                       (____/ 

info        shows account information
play        plays the track with given index
help        shows help information
stop        stops any currently playing track
album       view the album for a specific track
quit        quits the application
artist      view the artist for a specific track
list        lists your rootlist or a playlist
uri     lists metadata for a URI (album)
next        plays the next track in the current playlist
current     shows the current playlist we're playing
prev        plays the previous track in the current playlist


What's implemented?

What's NOT implemented?


Want to help out? Great! Here's a a list of things that need doing or improving:

Want to write a library in another language?

If you'd like to help out with this library or write a new one for another language do let me know and pop into #despotify on EFnet. I'm aware of people working on Java and Node.js libraries currently, more are of course welcome.