Heydon / niace-stories-app

The alpha application for NIACE.
1 stars 1 forks source link


The alpha application for NIACE, running on Meteor.

Dev site


Live site(s)

These both point to the same heroku instance

Travis Status

Travis status



The branches of the repo are monitored by Travis-CI, the develop branch will deploy to the dev site and the master branch will deploy to the live site. Please keep this in mind.

  1. make sure your develop and master branches are up-to-date and checkout into develop
  2. branch off develop with a helpful branch name and commit changes
  3. push branch to remote and create a pull request
  4. employ peer code review, (if the size of the team allows)
  5. merge to develop and when it's deployed; test on the dev site
  6. when happy merge develop into master, using a PR or from the command line.
  7. if travis is happy it will be deployed to the live site

app workflow

(requires xcode on a mac) The app should update itself each time it's ran, to get the code from the live site. If a Cordova build is required maybe to update the stories for offline then follow these steps.

  1. make sure your branches are up to date
  2. get into master and the version you would like to release at
  3. match the version strings in package.json and app/mobile-config.js
  4. export current database for offline
  5. run $ npm run buildForDeploy
  6. align the android apk in deploy/android/unaligned.apk
  7. open the ios xcode project found in deploy/ios/ and build relevant files
  8. upload both the IOS ipa and android apk to their relevant store pages

Commands ( with testing and such )

curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh
npm install
npm run jshint
npm run test
cd app

exporting database ready to be consumed by offline app

do this just before a mobile app build to publish the currently publicly available stories for offline use

MONGOHQ_URL=mongodb://username:password@host:port/dbname ./scripts/packageOfflineDatabase.js > app/public/offline.js

Clean database and re-import fixtured stories

This will wipe the database of stories and themes

# make sure the meteor server is running and in a new terminal
meteor mongo
# once attached to the mongo DB

# stop meteor then cd back into the repo's root
# ( replace 150 with as many stories as needed )
cat app/private/data/themes.json | ./scripts/fillout.js 150 > app/private/data/stories.json

# then restart meteor
cd app

The app should report that it's loading the fixtured stories and themes from the private/data folder