HiKapok / SSD.TensorFlow

State-of-the-art Single Shot MultiBox Detector in Pure TensorFlow, QQ Group: 758790869
Apache License 2.0
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Unhandled cases??? #111

Open lloydnguyen96 opened 5 years ago

lloydnguyen96 commented 5 years ago

The first line in anchor_manipulator.py: gt_labels = gt_labels + (-1 * tf.to_int64(matched_gt < -1)) The second line in train_ssd.py: batch_negtive_mask = tf.equal(cls_targets, 0)#tf.logical_and(tf.equal(cls_targets, 0), match_scores > 0.) In my understanding, cls_targets is batched gt_labels, each gt_label is:

=1: object =0: background including all negatives considered as background -1: for ignores But in the second line: cls_target is compared with 0. So what about -1 for ignore??? Didn't you handle that case???