HiKapok / SSD.TensorFlow

State-of-the-art Single Shot MultiBox Detector in Pure TensorFlow, QQ Group: 758790869
Apache License 2.0
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faster-rcnn objectdetection single-shot-multibox-detector ssd ssd-tensorflow tensorflow yolo

State-of-the-art Single Shot MultiBox Detector in TensorFlow

This repository contains codes of the reimplementation of SSD: Single Shot MultiBox Detector in TensorFlow. If your goal is to reproduce the results in the original paper, please use the official codes.

There are already some TensorFlow based SSD reimplementation codes on GitHub, the main special features of this repo inlcude:

New Update(77.9%mAP): using absolute bbox coordinates instead of normalized coordinates, checkout here.


All the codes was tested under TensorFlow 1.6, Python 3.5, Ubuntu 16.04 with CUDA 8.0. If you want to run training by yourself, one decent GPU will be highly recommended. The whole training process for VOC07+12 dataset took ~120k steps in total, and each step (32 samples per-batch) took ~1s on my little workstation with single GTX1080-Ti GPU Card. If you need run training without enough GPU memory you can try half of the current batch size(e.g. 16), try to lower the learning rate and run more steps, watching the TensorBoard until convergency. BTW, the codes here had also been tested under TensorFlow 1.4 with CUDA 8.0, but some modifications to the codes are needed to enable replicate model training, take following steps if you need:

This repo is just created recently, any contribution will be welcomed.

Results (VOC07 Metric)

This implementation(SSD300-VGG16) yield mAP 77.8% on PASCAL VOC 2007 test dataset(the original performance described in the paper is 77.2%mAP), the details are as follows:

sofa bird pottedplant bus diningtable cow bottle horse aeroplane motorbike
78.9 76.2 53.5 85.2 75.5 85.0 48.6 86.7 82.2 83.4
sheep train boat bicycle chair cat tvmonitor person car dog
82.4 87.6 72.7 83.0 61.3 88.2 74.5 79.6 85.3 86.4

You can download the trained model(VOC07+12 Train) from GoogleDrive for further research.

For Chinese friends, you can also download both the trained model and pre-trained vgg16 weights from BaiduYun Drive, access code: tg64.

Here is the training logs and some detection results:

Too Busy TODO

Known Issues


Use this bibtex to cite this repository:

  title={Single Shot MultiBox Detector in TensorFlow},
  author={Changan Wang},
  journal={GitHub repository},


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Apache License, Version 2.0