HighlanderRobotics / Scouting-Server

1 stars 1 forks source link

Installation process on Ubuntu (sorry don't know how installation works on windows)

(on mac, it sqlite3 should already come installed)

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs

Check node install (Must be at least node v10):

node -v
sudo apt install sqlite3

Check sqlite3 install:

sqlite3 --version

Npm installs

sudo apt install npm
npm install

Setup ngrok

On server startup, run the command coorespoinding to your operating system

npm run linuxstart
npm run macstart
npm run windowsstart

If the command fails, go to the built in terminal in vscode, hit the down arrow next to the plus sign, and press bash or Ubuntu (WSL). Run the linux command

If both steps above fail, please let Barry know both your operating system and which command you ran. Then follow the steps below

If ngrok isn't working on startup

Follow instructions on https://ngrok.com/download, adding an authToken is optional

Run in terminal:

ngrok http 4000

Copy the text after the word "forwarding" and before the "->" to get the link to the server (it will work when the server is on and port 4000 opens)


SQLite by alexcvzz
SQLite Viewer by FLorian Klampfer



GET /API/analysis/:taskName

:taskName requirements description
AverageForMetric teamKey, metric Will get average of any metric for a team
BestAverageForMetric tournamentKey, metric Will get the team with the best average
for a metric in a tournament as well as
their average
TeamsInTournament tournamentKey Returns a list of all teams in the

Will return: Response code 200

Returns completed analyses as a list

GET /API/analysis

Can send multiple analysis to be run in the body

  "tasks": [
      "name": "AverageForMetric",
      "teamKey": "frc254",
      "metric": "teleopHighSuccess"
      "name": "AverageForMetric",
      "teamKey": "frc8033",
      "metric": "teleopHighSuccess"
      "name": "TeamsInTournament",
      "tournamentKey": "2022cc"

Will return: Response code 200

Returns completed analyses as a list

Database Manager

POST /API/manager/addScoutReport

Will accept if a teamKey, tournamentKey, and data

  "uuid": "71a8e343-39bf-495a-8bba-2da8b7375326",
  "tournamentKey": "2022cc",
  "matchKey": "qm1",
  "scouterName": "Jacob Trentini",
  "teamNumber": 254,
  "startTime": 1673570312,
  "autoChallengeResult": 2,
  "events": [
  "challengeResult": 4,
  "robotRole": 0,
  "notes": "Robot did not climb but stayed in community."

Will return: Response code 200

Data successfully entered

GET /API/manager/getTeams

Will return: Response code 200

    "key": "frc1",
    "teamNumber": 1,
    "teamName": "The Juggernauts"
    "key": "frc4",
    "teamNumber": 4,
    "teamName": "Team 4 ELEMENT"
    "key": "frc5",
    "teamNumber": 5,
    "teamName": "Robocards"

GET /API/manager/getTeamsInTournament?tournamentKey=2022cc

Will return: Response code 200

    "key": "frc114",
    "teamNumber": 114,
    "teamName": "Eaglestrike"
    "key": "frc254",
    "teamNumber": 254,
    "teamName": "The Cheesy Poofs"
    "key": "frc359",
    "teamNumber": 359,
    "teamName": "Hawaiian Kids"
    "key": "frc498",
    "teamNumber": 498,
    "teamName": "The Cobra Commanders"

GET /API/manager/resetAndPopulate

Don't use this one anyway and also it takes a couple minutes for the database to fully reset then populate

Will return: Response code 200

GET /API/manager/addTournamentMatches?key=2023week0

Needs a tournamentKey

Will return: Response code 200


GET /API/manager/isScouted?tournamentKey=2022cc&matchKey=2022cc_qm1

Can also omit matchKey to get scouting status/name from all matches in the tournament.

Will return: Response code 200

If the name is null then it means there's a scoutreport missing for that matchKey

    "key": "2022cc_qm1_4",
    "name": "Nate Hart"
    "key": "2022cc_qm1_3",
    "name": null
    "key": "2022cc_qm1_0",
    "name": "William Tenney"
    "key": "2022cc_qm1_5",
    "name": "Nathaniel Welch"
    "key": "2022cc_qm1_1",
    "name": "Keshav Rangan"
    "key": "2022cc_qm1_2",
    "name": "Helena Young"

GET /API/manager/getScouters

Will return: Response code 200

  "Abagail Cothran",
  "Alex Ware",
  "Alexander Aires",
  "Alexis Montero Castro",
  "Asha Byers",
  "Athena Li",
  "audrey Dickinson",
  "Ava Grochowski",
  "Ayaan Jajodia",
  "Barry Balasingham",

GET /API/manager/getScoutersSchedule

Will return: Response code 200

  "version": 1,
  "shifts": [
      "start": 1,
      "end": 5,
      "startKey": "2022cc_qm1",
      "endKey": "2022cc_qm5",
      "scouts": [
        "Evrim Duransoy",
        "Nate Hart",
        "Asha Byers",
        "Lewy Seiden",
        "Beck Peterson",
        "Barry Balasingham"
      "start": 6,
      "end": 10,
      "startKey": "2022cc_qm6",
      "endKey": "2022cc_qm10",
      "scouts": [
        "Jessica Liu",
        "Torsten Olsen",
        "Nathaniel Scher",
        "Jacob Trentini",
        "Nathaniel Welch",
        "Cassandra Colby"
      "start": 11,
      "end": 15,
      "startKey": "2022cc_qm11",
      "endKey": "2022cc_qm15",
      "scouts": [
        "Mckeane Mcbrearty",
        "Asha Byers",
        "Nate Hart",
        "Barry Balasingham",
        "Evrim Duransoy",
        "Valentina Prieto Black"
      "start": 16,
      "end": 20,
      "startKey": "2022cc_qm16",
      "endKey": "2022cc_qm20",
      "scouts": [
        "Nathaniel Welch",
        "Collin Cameron",
        "Jacob Trentini",
        "Beck Peterson",
        "Jessica Liu",
        "Lewy Seiden"

POST /API/manager/updateScoutersSchedule

Will return: Response code 200

  "version": 2,
  "shifts": [
      "start": 1,
      "end": 5,
      "startKey": "2022cc_qm1",
      "endKey": "2022cc_qm5",
      "scouts": [
        "Evrim Duransoy",
        "Nate Hart",
        "Asha Byers",
        "Lewy Seiden",
        "Beck Peterson",
        "Barry Balasingham"
      "start": 6,
      "end": 10,
      "startKey": "2022cc_qm6",
      "endKey": "2022cc_qm10",
      "scouts": [
        "Jessica Liu",
        "Torsten Olsen",
        "Nathaniel Scher",
        "Jacob Trentini",
        "Nathaniel Welch",
        "Cassandra Colby"
      "start": 11,
      "end": 15,
      "startKey": "2022cc_qm11",
      "endKey": "2022cc_qm15",
      "scouts": [
        "Mckeane Mcbrearty",
        "Asha Byers",
        "Nate Hart",
        "Barry Balasingham",
        "Evrim Duransoy",
        "Valentina Prieto Black"
      "start": 16,
      "end": 20,
      "startKey": "2022cc_qm16",
      "endKey": "2022cc_qm20",
      "scouts": [
        "Nathaniel Welch",
        "Collin Cameron",
        "Jacob Trentini",
        "Beck Peterson",
        "Jessica Liu",
        "Lewy Seiden"

GET /API/manager/getMatches?tournamentKey=2022cc

Will return: Response code 200

    "key": "2022cc_qm65_3",
    "tournamentKey": "2022cc",
    "matchNumber": 65,
    "teamKey": "frc7157",
    "matchType": "qm"
    "key": "2022cc_qm65_1",
    "tournamentKey": "2022cc",
    "matchNumber": 65,
    "teamKey": "frc972",
    "matchType": "qm"
    "key": "2022cc_ef1_1",
    "tournamentKey": "2022cc",
    "matchNumber": 70,
    "teamKey": "frc1678",
    "matchType": "ef"
    "key": "2022cc_qf1_1",
    "tournamentKey": "2022cc",
    "matchNumber": 66,
    "teamKey": "frc1678",
    "matchType": "qf"
    "key": "2022cc_f1_1",
    "tournamentKey": "2022cc",
    "matchNumber": 78,
    "teamKey": "frc1690",
    "matchType": "f"

GET /API/manager/isMatchesScouted?tournamentKey=2022cc&scouterName=Jacob Trentini&matchKeys=["2022cc_qm1", "2022cc_qm2", "2022cc_qm3"]

Will return: Response code 200

    "matchKey": "2022cc_qm1",
    "key": "2022cc_qm1_1",
    "status": true
    "matchKey": "2022cc_1qm2",
    "status": false
    "matchKey": "2022cc_qm3",
    "status": false

GET /API/manager/getAllNotes?teamKey=frc8033&sinceTime=1671755981763

sinceTime is optional but will use epoch in milis

Will return: Response code 200

  "Very Purple",
  "Got bodied by defense",
  "Bad climb"

GET /API/manager/matchesCompleted?teamKey=frc6036&tournamentKey=2022cc

Can omit tournamentKey if you want to search the entire database and can also use teamNumber if you want. Currently sends the stored matchKey but I can cut off the "_0" if need be.

Will return: Response code 200


GET /API/manager/newScouter?scouterName=test&scouterNumber=4154154155&scouterEmail=asdf@gmail.com

Due to this command editing the scouters.json file, it will forcibly restart the server. Unless we have paid ngrok the link will change

Will return: Response code 200


  1. Query The blue alliance
    • Build get all teams
    • Get and insert matches for round-robin
  2. Make analysis engine
    • Get Team's points average
    • Build rest of analysis for analysis engine
  3. Add actual data to the Database
    • Get data from the app
    • Add post request for inputing data
    • Add any data required to properly insert into the header in gamedata (on the app)
    • Its on the test-rest-api branch
    • Add get request for recieving analysis
    • Create token system
    • Add post request for inputing data
    • Add get request for recieving analysis
    • Add post request for adding stuff via api (such as tournament matches)
  5. Abstraction
    • Break functions and utilities into seperate files for modularity reasons
  6. Testing
    • Learn jest framework
    • Finish writing test cases
  7. Fix package.json
  8. Make a message queue
    • Learn BullMQ and Redis
    • Make message queue
  9. Fix endpoints to Collin's suggestions
    • More params and stop using body


  1. Incorporate ORM
  2. Make setup simpler
  3. Convert to typescript
  4. Multithreading if possible

Commands: Run server:

nodemon collectionServer.js

Run individual js files:

node {filename}

Send packets through Postman if you want