HimanshuS01 / Eventerest

:computer: This application let's us to fetch an ordered list of topics in which the students are most interested in ,in order to organize any bootcamp,workshop etc.
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Eventerest - Android

This app helps the organizers in hosting a event, bootcamps, seminars, meetups or any other kind of gathering in efficient manner. App saves the time and cost of user by making event easily maintainable through a singe App.

Currently this App is planned to provide following features -

We will ask user for to add all the probable attendees in the event and also ask attendeees Github username. Readme files, wikis, forked projects, ownered projects etc will be fetched using the Github API and these information will be scanned for all the technological related terms like API, Netwroking, Deep Linking etc. A result will be given to user showing the top technologies that is popular among all the attendees (list of attendees added).

Setup for Developers

  1. Make sure you have downloaded the latest version of Android Studio. It works on Linux, Windows and Mac. Download the correct version for your OS
  2. Go to the project repo and fork it by clicking "Fork"
  3. If you are working on Windows, download Git Bash for Windows to get a full Unix bash with Git functionality
  4. Clone the repo to your desktop git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/Eventerest.git
  5. Initialize Git. git init
  6. Open the project with Android Studio

Configure remotes

When a repository is cloned, it has a default remote called origin that points to your fork on GitHub, not the original repository it was forked from. To keep track of the original repository, you should add another remote named upstream:

  1. Open terminal or git bash in your local repository and set up the origin:

    git remote add origin https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/Eventerest.git

  2. Set the upstream:

    git remote add upstream https://github.com/HimanshuS01/Eventerest.git

  3. Run git remote -v to check the status, you should see something like the following:

    origin https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/Eventerest.git (fetch)

    origin https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/Eventerest.git (push)

    upstream https://github.com/HimanshuS01/Eventerest.git(fetch)

    upstream https://github.com/HimanshuS01/Eventerest.git (push)

  4. To update your local copy with remote changes, run the following:

    git fetch upstream

    git merge upstream/master

    This will give you an exact copy of the current remote, make sure you don't have any local changes.

Contributing and developing a feature

  1. Make sure you are in the master branch git checkout master
  2. Sync your copy git pull
  3. Create a new branch with a meaningful name git checkout -b branch_name
  4. Develop your feature on Android Studio and run it using the emulator or connecting your own Android device
  5. Clean your project from Android Studio Build/Clean project
  6. Add the files you changed git add file_name (avoid using git add .)
  7. Commit your changes git commit -m "Message briefly explaining the feature"
  8. Keep one commit per feature. If you forgot to add changes, you can edit the previous commit git commit --amend
  9. Push to your repo git push origin branch-name
  10. Go into the Github repo and create a pull request explaining your changes
  11. If you are requested to make changes, edit your commit using git commit --amend, push again and the pull request will edit automatically
  12. You will need to add a message on the pull request notifying your changes to your reviewer

Contributing Guidelines

Click here to find the contributing guidelines for the project and follow them before sending a contribution.

Coding Guidelines

  1. Don't use magic numbers or hard-coded strings. Put them in dimens.xml or strings.xml
  2. Class names should be in CamelCase. Name activities with names including Activity so it's easier to know what they are.
  3. Include spaces between parameters when you call a method for example: Intent(MainActivity.this, Another_Activity.class).
  4. Give relevant names to buttons and other resources.
  5. Use @id instead of @+id when referring to resources that have been already created in xml files.