HindsightTwentyTwenty / frontend

The Official Front End of Hindsite Inc.
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hindsite is a Chrome extension which helps users track, categorize, and search their browser sessions as they traverse the web. visit our website, or visit our wiki, to learn more about downloading and using the app: www.hindsitehistory.com

Coding Practices

Weekly Schedule

git flow


The frontend for hindsite is written in redux.

The frontend src code is currently separated into an app folder which contains redux components, actions, and reducers, and a chrome folder which contains the main.html file and stylistic assets such as fonts and css.


Our chrome extension can be downloaded from the chrome store here: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hindsite/ophfekmjofacmldmbficnkbmhnajbmfl

Deployment (For Local Testing)

open a new tab in terminal and go to the frontend directory

run npm install if opening the app for the first time

run npm run dev



The links to the various tools we used in development of hindsite frontend can be found here: https://github.com/HindsightTwentyTwenty/frontend/wiki/Sources