Hip-Hop-Xpress / hhx-api

REST API for the UIUC Hip Hop Xpress
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Hip Hop Xpress API :headphones:

The Hip Hop Xpress API will allow simple, efficient data transfer between all facets of the Hip Hop Xpress, including its administration, participants, members/students, and all applications.

Table of Contents

Current Progress :hammer:

The current development version of the API is up and running. You can view the in-progress documentation and even use the development version by going to the Wiki.

This is a work-in-progress project that is being continually developed and updated.

Collections :books:

These are the collections currently under development for use in the mobile app (version 1 of the API):

Endpoints :electric_plug:

View the planned endpoints in PROPOSAL.md and the finished endpoints at the Wiki.