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New Traitor Item - "Trick Syndicate Playing Cards" #3346

Closed Anderbergst closed 7 years ago

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

An improved syndicate playing cards that has random effects when thrown at someone. Only available to the clown, mime, librarian, and bartender. There are 20 random effects.

  1. Teleports someone randomly
  2. Produces smoke
  3. Deals 30 brute damage
  4. Deals 30 burn damage
  5. Sets the surrounding on fire
  6. Causes time to stop and it stops time for everyone near the affected area
  7. Shocks you and deals 20 burn damage/ if u have insulated then you are immune to this.
  8. Powerfist effect
  9. It explodes like the plasma stunprod explosion without the fire
  10. stuns for 6 seconds
  11. turns into a feral cat
  12. it just vanishes and does nothing at all
  13. turns into a cookie for some reason
  14. blinds you for a bit
  15. deals 40 oxy damage
  16. causes a flashbang effect
  17. makes you sleep
  18. makes you hallucinate
  19. It freezes you
  20. It creates emp

If you throw a card and it doesn't hit anyone then it will probably vanish most of the time.

The deck will have 54 cards so you can expect atleast 54 effects.

TC cost is 12.

If you have any suggestions or want me to change something then please tell me.

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

theres already staff of chaos for that

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

oh shit i think i fucked up somewhere RIP

myontasm commented 7 years ago

I'd up the price honestly

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

yea i can up the price

and also what does this mean = The command "bash dm.sh -M${DM_MAPFILE} tgstation.dme" exited with

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

If you guys want 20 tc i can do it but this item can either harm or help the traitor but its really more of a gimmick.

ghost commented 7 years ago

It means your code isn't compiling.

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

hmmm weird.

ghost commented 7 years ago

How did you test the code on your own server but not include it into the compile and that travis can't compile this included code?

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

well i copy and pasted this code from dream maker to github so there might have been a problem from that?

ghost commented 7 years ago


Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

i can fix this no problem hold on

KayeArray commented 7 years ago

copy and pasted into git?

hahahaha what

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago


Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

i have a new title = The heretic coder

ghost commented 7 years ago


Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

okay HOLD ON boss

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago


recommended tc price?

ghost commented 7 years ago

I think the price is steep enough, just make it clown/mime only?

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

yea entertaining industry okay

KayeArray commented 7 years ago

add it to surplus crate though

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

i think its automatically added there but it only appears when you are the clown or mime if you buy the surp crate.

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

please add tags guys :pray:

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

It'll be automatically added to the surplus crate once my PR goes through

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

I'd say this is too expensive honestly, but hey. Maybe 10 TC?

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

the heads can determine the cost of the TC and whatever they think is the best tc for it will be the price i guess.

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

i just tested with banthebantz and stop time does not work for the guy getting hit by the card.

so ill be removing stop time and changing it with a radiation card that does toxin damage or something i guess.

or maybe i can fix the stop time hmmm

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

i am in the process of fixing it right now. yea ill have this as a feature since its pretty cool.

blobbernaut commented 7 years ago

there shouldn't be any positive effects, remove the healing one

ArcLumin commented 7 years ago

For 10 TCs, it should fuck dudes up most of the time, no positive effects.

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

I can replace it to deal toxin damage instead. would that be cool?

GuyonBroadway commented 7 years ago

Don't make it deal direct toxin damage, have it apply a random yet nasty poison to the target!

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

okay that can be done but list me some nasty poisons.

GuyonBroadway commented 7 years ago

curare metabolises VERY slowly, knocks people out and does some decent poison damage. Coniine metabolises half as slow as that and for every tick its in a dude they gain five ticks of not being able to breathe!

Venom can decay into histamine, both of which while not especially potent can have some nasty side effects such as histamine causing blindness.

Pancuronium and Sodium Thiopental knock out which can be brutal and scary.

Herapin does some nasty stuff around bleeding, Arclumin recently buffed it.

Small doses of teslium are fun for all the family!

Rotatium is less deadly but will fuck with their screen in mine rending ways.

Wasting toxin drains people of blood and is amusing.

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

uhh i actually have no idea how to add regeants to the card thing so uhh ill just make it do oxygen damage instead of toxin. Sorrry.

gumner commented 7 years ago

you can use directly add reagents to the user,without needing to do anything with the card

gumner commented 7 years ago

honestly,this item fucks you up more than it helps you,i think you should replace one of the damages with something good like,heal 50 brute

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

I had something that heals you but people said TO REMOVE IT WTFFFFFFFFFFFFF

gumner commented 7 years ago

tbh this item will really fuck you up most of the time

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

gumner u and me will test it later together and we shall see what you think.

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

so i deleted heal and added oxy damage

It does 50 oxy damage since oxy damage is weak.

Fixed time stop to actually stop the guy who got hit by the card.

Made hallucination stronger since it is weak as fuck.

gumner commented 7 years ago

i mean,this looks like a suicide item for 10 tc

gumner commented 7 years ago

but hey you can stop time if you lucky *shrug

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

it stops time for you too. it stops time for everyone.

gumner commented 7 years ago

so there isnt any positive effects?

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

it had one that heals you but people didnt want it so i removed it.

gumner commented 7 years ago

i dont get the point then,why are you going to buy something that will 100% kill you?

gumner commented 7 years ago

its supposed to make spacedong insane

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

I will fix all of them no worries.

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

Do i need to fix anything else?

Anderbergst commented 7 years ago

i redid the stop time code and made it less complicated

It works really great with this one.

tested it and it works really smooth