Hipsteryoda / pcap_decoder

Decodes pcap files using wireshark_v2g plugin and graphs the session
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This project graphs the charging values defined below into a visual representation of a DC charging session.




NOTE: If the wireshark-v2g plugin is not properly installed and decoding pcaps correctly, you will get This session ({file}) did not make it to current demand. everytime.\ NOTE2: If you already have a decoded pcap file in a .txt format, you can simply use decode.py <file> to get graphical representations of the session.

  1. Install requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Place pcaps into pcaps directory (in original zipped format)
  3. Pass the file you wish to analyze to the decode.sh script like: ./decode.sh pcaps/<file>\ a. Ex: ./decode.sh pcaps/tap0-1656615284.pcap.zip
  4. The output will be two graphs, one showing target and present voltages and currents, the other showing calculated power based on present voltage and current.

Just Using decoder.py

If you already have a pcap file that has been decoded through the wireshark-v2g in a text format, you can simply pass that file as an argument to decoder.py to get the graphical representation of the session.

  1. ./decoder.py <file.txt>