Empowering African Students with Technology Skills for the Future
Welcome to A.F.R.O Byte! This project is dedicated to bridging the digital skills gap by providing African students with accessible, high-quality tech education. From online courses to interactive coding challenges, A.F.R.O Byte aims to equip students with the knowledge and experience they need to thrive in the tech industry.
A.F.R.O Byte is a non-profit initiative focused on empowering African youth with the skills necessary to succeed in the tech world. Our mission is to make tech education accessible and engaging for students across Africa, regardless of their background. Through this platform, we aim to build a community of future tech leaders and innovators.
To run this project locally, ensure you have the following installed:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/afro-byte.git
cd afro-byte
Install frontend dependencies:
bash Copy code cd frontend npm install Run the frontend server:
bash Copy code npm start Set up the backend:
Configure your MySQL database and update the connection details in application.properties. Run the Spring Boot application: bash Copy code cd backend ./mvnw spring-boot:run Access the application:
Frontend: http://localhost:3000 Backend API: http://localhost:8080 Usage Once the project is running, explore A.F.R.O Byte's main features:
Courses & Resources: Access and explore courses in various tech subjects. Chatbot Assistance: Ask questions and receive real-time guidance from our custom AI-driven chatbot. User Authentication: Register, log in, and manage your profile. Community Events: Participate in coding challenges, webinars, and hackathons (upcoming feature). Future Plans Our roadmap for A.F.R.O Byte includes:
Android App Development: Launch a native Android app for wider reach in Africa. iOS Version: Develop an iOS app to ensure cross-platform access. Advanced AI Chatbot: Train and deploy a more sophisticated chatbot for a richer interactive experience. Data Analytics Integration: Track student progress and provide personalized learning recommendations. Gamification Features: Implement badges, leaderboards, and rewards to enhance engagement. Contributing We welcome contributions from developers, designers, and educators passionate about empowering African students through tech education. If you'd like to contribute:
Fork the repository. Create a feature branch (git checkout -b feature-branch). Commit your changes (git commit -m "Add feature"). Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch). Open a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to contribute.
License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Contact For inquiries, support, or partnership opportunities, please reach out to us at:
Email: support@afrobyte.org LinkedIn: A.F.R.O Byte Twitter: @afrobyte We look forward to building a brighter, tech-savvy future for African students together!
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