HitPant / Jetson_Project_1

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The usecase is built on jetson Nano(4GB dev kit)
The usecase inference was executed and tested on jetson Nano.

This usecase is for generating alert:

1. when loitering is detected in a given area.
2. if count of person increases beyond allowed number.

SSD Model is used for detecting people.

Project Structure:


--- 1. loiter_dwell_detection.py
--- 2. config.json 
--- 3. model
    ------ MobileNetSSD_deploy.caffemodel
    ------ MobileNetSSD_deploy.prototxt.txt
--- 4. tracker
    ------ centroidtracker.py
--- 5. person_count_alert
    ------ stores images with time stamp when person exceed beyond threshold value

Parameters and values for generating alert are defined in config.json

config.json containes the following parameters:

1. person_duration (Dwell time allowed per person)
2. personCountExceed (maximum number of persons allowed in a frame at a given time)
3. vid_source (video source[videofile, rtsp, camera])

Note: To use Opencv with CUDA and use opencv dnn module install Opencv from source.

Before running the script run the following commands to maximize the device preformance:

$ sudo nvpmodel -m 0
$ sudo jetson_clocks

Steps to run the the script:

  1. Define the following in the config.json file:

    1. video source
    2. person count allowed
    3. dwell time allowed

  2. Open the terminal in the location where loiter_dwell_detection.py is present.

  3. run the following command:

    $ python3 loiter_dwell_detection.py