Hochschule-Fulda-AI / media-majesty

A digital media marketplace catered to Universities
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link


A digital media marketplace


A few screenshots of what the application looks like

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Responsiveness on the phone


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How to set up the project for development in your local environment


You need to have these things set up

Optionally, it would be nice if you have

# On mac, you can install it with brew if you don't have it already

brew install make

Steps to reproduce

  1. Clone the repository to your local directory of choice

    git clone git@github.com:Hochschule-Fulda-AI/media-majesty.git

Note: Since the project is still in the development phase, use the branch olympus to get the latest approved changes and then start a new branch from there.

  1. Create and activate the virtual environment for local python development

    Creating virtual environment
    cd media-majesty
    python3 -m venv .venv           # creating virtual environment
  2. Install all python dependencies needed for the project using poetry

    Installing dependencies

    Poetry automatically installs and builds a lock file specific to your platform

    poetry install # installs all the dependencies into the virtual environment
    # or alternatively, if you have make
    make install
    Activating virtual environment
    poetry shell # activates the virtual environment
  3. Create the necessary environment file to run the project

    touch .env # creates an environment file

    Add all of these variables to this .env file. Make sure that the names are the same as given below:

    SECRET_KEY="<secret key>"
    DEBUG="<True or False depending on if you are in development or production>"
    DATABASE_NAME="<database name>"
    DATABASE_USER="<database user>"
    DATABASE_PASSWORD="<database password>"
    DATABASE_HOST="<localhost or remote host domain if you are hosting one>"
    DATABASE_PORT="<since we are using mysql, it is generally 3306>"
    AZURE_MEDIA_CONTAINER="<azure media container name>"
    AZURE_THUMBNAIL_CONTAINER="<azure thumbnail container name>"

Note: Make sure you have access to the database with the user and the password is correctly given. I recommend using a user other than 'root' for security reasons and building good practices.

  1. Migrate the database and Run the project

    Database migrations with django ORM
    # if you are in the root directory first make sure to
    # go to the directory that holds manage.py
    cd mediamajesty
    # run the SQL migrations
    python manage.py makemigrations
    python manage.py migrate
    # or alternatively,
    make migrations
    make migrate
    # run the development server
    python manage.py runserver
    # or alternatively,
    make run

    And Voila! Hopefully everything must have went well and you should see the development server running.

Note: These manage.py commands will only work if you are inside poetry's virtual environment which you should have activated from the previous step hopefully.

Pro Tip: You can check out the Makefile and try other commands

# For eg, make start will install the dependencies, run migrations and run
# the development server automatically

make start
  1. One final note, install pre-commit:

    Before you make changes and do your commit for the first time after you clone this repository, make sure to install pre-commit into your git hooks so it can run automatically and make checks when you do a commit.

    # this installs pre-commit to your git hooks
    pre-commit install

    Also, if you make any additional changes to the pre-commit configuration file .pre-commit-config.yaml, then you should run ths file again to make sure the new version is installed.

Note Please always make sure the virtual environment is activated before you start working on the project. Use poetry to manage and install dependencies.

Also, make sure that in case of breaking changes that require additional dependencies or database updates, you install the new dependencies and migrate the database if needed.