Hoimar / Planet-Generator

A procedural planet generator addon for Godot with terrain LOD.
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Save the patches in cache? #22

Open ultrazar opened 3 years ago

ultrazar commented 3 years ago

I think that the performance of the plugin it's good more or less, talking about the GPU. The problem comes with the CPU, when you get near the planets surface, the CPU process goes extremaly high, because needs to patch a lot of terrain with only a little movement.

I think it would be a good idea to save every patch in the ram (or disk too) so it will not be necessary to load it every time.

Should I try to implement it?

Hoimar commented 3 years ago

That sounds like a good idea. The long term plan is to load and save chunks to disk as a different source for height data (apart from procedurally generated).

But perhaps simply caching patches in RAM would be a good idea in the meantime. If you want, you can try to implement it. On the other hand, I'll have to merge your existing changes and clean up the dev and master branches. Optimally, I want to have a stable master and the development branch for the latest features.

ultrazar commented 3 years ago

Here my try: #23