Hoimar / Planet-Generator

A procedural planet generator addon for Godot with terrain LOD.
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godot godot-addon godot-demo godot-engine godotengine lod planet-generator procedural procedural-terrain space terrain-generation terrain-rendering

Planet-Generator Planet-Generator icon

This is a procedural planet generator addon for the Godot Engine using layered noise functions and dynamic LOD (terrain chunks), written in GDScript.

It's licensed unter MIT, so you can use it for pretty much anything as long as you retain the original license file.

Table of Contents

Features and Roadmap

List of completed features and planned features:


You need the Godot Engine to use this addon (tested with Godot 3.x.x).

Quick Start

To quickly get started, open the downloaded folder like a normal project in Godot and run it. You can then navigate a spaceship around the solar system demo scene. The keys are:

Using the addon

Download and install the addon as described here Installing plugins - Godot Engine documentation.

TODO: Add detailed documentation for setting up planets and their parameters.

For now, check out the solar system demo in demos/solar_system_demo.tscn to see how the planets are configured and play around with the settings. A planets needs a PlanetSettings resource, which contains a ShapeGenerator resource, which in turn has a list of one or more NoiseGenerator resources where you can define what the terrain will look like.



Click to enlarge:

flight towards earthlike planet a procedural moon appears behind the procedural horizon typical scene the in Godot editor
