Holmose / Farmer-Sharp-Dockerfile

A Dockerfile to farm Microsoft/Bing Rewards points.
3 stars 0 forks source link

Please read the Legal Notice before using.


  1. Clone the latest version of the project
git clone --depth=1 https://gitlab.com/Tom60chat/Microsoft-Rewards-Farmer-Sharp.git
  1. Packaging and compressing
tar zcvf Microsoft-Rewards-Farmer-Sharp.tar.gz Microsoft-Rewards-Farmer-Sharp/*
  1. Build image
docker build -t myapp:latest .
  1. Modify user information by editing the Settings.json file in the share directory. For more information, please refer to Tom60chat/Microsoft-Rewards-Farmer-Sharp.

  2. Start the container.

docker run -itd --name worker --restart=on-failure:3 -v `pwd`/share:/share -v `pwd`/local-chromium:/app/.local-chromium/ -v `pwd`/Profils:/app/Profils -v `pwd`/Logs:/app/Logs myapp

Success when you see the following message.

Directory 'share' exists.
Settings.json file is successfully replaced.

Legal Notice

I am not responsible for what you do with this program, USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK! This program is made for education purposes, and I learned a lot about using puppetter 😋

Using this application on Microsoft services may cause Microsoft to disqualify you; deactivate your access to the Program or to your Rewards account. Please read https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/servicesagreement/ in particular the Microsoft Rewards section.

Licensed under WTFPL