HolographicWings / LethalSDK-Unity-Project

Unity Project using Lethal Company SDK
MIT License
42 stars 4 forks source link

Unable to read tooltip Mod Settings #10

Open Seldanez opened 7 months ago

Seldanez commented 7 months ago


The mod is working fine for me, but I have one problem. When viewing mod settings, if I hover the lower options with the mouse, the tooltip gets hidden so I can't see the network sync / mod required text.

I only have this problem with the last 5 options. I will add screens to make the problem more clear.

Thanks in advance, and really enjoy the mod btw

Tooltip 1 Tooltip 2 .

HolographicWings commented 7 months ago

Hello, this is a doublon of this https://github.com/HolographicWings/LethalExpansion/issues/2

Seldanez commented 7 months ago

Oops my bad, didn't notice it. Thanks :)