HolographicWings / LethalSDK-Unity-Project

Unity Project using Lethal Company SDK
MIT License
43 stars 5 forks source link

LethalSDK Unity Project

This is a Development Kit for Lethal Company. It allows you to easily add new Scraps and Moons to the game.

Thunderstore.io link


Features :

For guides on using this project, please go to this page (Note: Still currently being developed, but Normal Scrap Type is completely documented)

Looking for a successor!

Looking for a successor to keep LethalExpansion and LethalSDK alive.

Hello. Making this mod was an awesome adventure, but today I want to work on other projects and explore some game concept ideas to see if I can make my own game. But I want deprecating this mod to be the last resort. It's why I'm looking for someone interested in continuing this mod and make it in his name. If you are ever interested, invite me on discord with my username HolographicWings or write an issue either on LE or LSDK repositories.

Thank you for supporting me during this project, and I hope the LC modding will become even greater.

Download :

Download it on the Thunderstore

Usage :

Requirement :

How to install :

Tutorial video :

How to use :

(I'll make a video tutorial)

Available vanilla assets:
  • GrabFlashlight
  • DropFlashlight
  • PocketFlashlight
  • DropHeavyBox1
  • FlashlightClickMini
  • FlashlightClickMini2
  • FlashlightMiniOutOfBatteries
  • GrabKey
  • DropKey
  • PocketKey
  • DropMetalObject1
  • LockPickerPicking
  • DropMetalObject2
  • LungMachine
  • FlashlightClick
  • FlashlightOutOfBatteries
  • FlashlightFlicker
  • GrabShovel
  • DropShovel
  • PocketShovel
  • ShovelReelUp
  • ShovelSwing
  • ShovelHitDefault
  • ShovelHitDefault2
  • DropMetalBox
  • ExtensionLadderHitWall
  • ExtensionLadderHitWall2
  • ExtensionLadderExtend
  • FallingAir
  • ExtensionLadderShrink
  • ExtensionLadderAlarm
  • ExtensionLadderLidOpen
  • HoldTZP
  • DropCan
  • PocketWalkieTalkie
  • WalkieTalkieTransmissionOff3
  • WalkieTalkieTransmissionOff4
  • WalkieTalkieTransmissionOff5
  • WalkieTalkieTransmissionOff
  • WalkieTalkieTransmissionOff2
  • WalkieTalkieOff
  • WalkieTalkieOn
  • WalkieTalkieTalkingNotHeld
  • WalkieTalkieCutOut
  • BeginShock1
  • GunOverheat
  • BreakerLever1
  • PatcherDetectAnomaly
  • GunScan
  • ShovelPickUp
  • DropPlastic1
  • AirHorn1
  • AirHornFar
  • DropBell
  • PickUpPlasticBin
  • DropBottles
  • DropPlastic2
  • DropMetalObject3
  • CashRegisterDing
  • DropJug
  • ClownHorn1
  • ClownHornFar
  • DropPlasticLarge
  • Hairdryer1
  • HairdryerFar
  • DropGlass1
  • DropThinMetal
  • RemoteClick
  • DuckQuack
  • DropRubberDuck
  • BeeHiveGrab
  • BeeHiveDrop
  • GhostDeviceHitGround
  • GrabShotgun
  • DropGun
  • ShotgunBlast2
  • ShotgunBlast
  • ShotgunReload
  • ShotgunBlastFail
  • ShotgunSafetyOn
  • ShotgunSafetyOff
  • GrabShotgunShell
  • DropShotgunShell
  • GrabBottle
  • DropBottleSingle
  • GrabCardboardBox
  • DropCardboardBox
  • Fart1
  • Fart2
  • Fart3
  • Fart5
Orbit Prefabs:
  • Moon1
  • Moon2
  • Moon3
Map Objects:
  • Landmine
  • TurretContainer
Outside Objects:
  • LargeRock1
  • LargeRock2
  • LargeRock3
  • LargeRock4
  • TreeLeafless1
  • TreeLeafless2Snowy
  • TreeLeafless3Snowy
  • SmallGreyRocks1
  • SmallGreyRocks2
  • GiantPumpkin
  • Tree1
  • Cog1
  • EnginePart1
  • FishTestProp
  • MetalSheet
  • FlashLaserPointer
  • BigBolt
  • BottleBin
  • Ring
  • SteeringWheel
  • MoldPan
  • EggBeater
  • PickleJar
  • DustPan
  • Airhorn
  • ClownHorn
  • CashRegister
  • Candy
  • GoldBar
  • YieldSign
  • ToyCube
  • Remote
  • RobotToy
  • MagnifyingGlass
  • StopSign
  • TeaKettle
  • Mug
  • SodaCanRed
  • Phone
  • Hairdryer
  • Brush
  • Bell
  • RubberDuck
  • ChemicalJug
  • FancyLamp
  • FancyCup
  • FancyPainting
  • Toothpaste
  • PillBottle
  • PerfumeBottle
  • Dentures
  • 7Ball
  • DiyFlashbang
  • GiftBox
  • Flask
  • WhoopieCushion
  • ComedyMask
  • TragedyMask
  • Level1TypeAmbience
  • ForestTypeAmbience
  • MansionTypeAmbience
  • Centipede
  • SandSpider
  • HoarderBug
  • Flowerman
  • Crawler
  • Blob
  • DressGirl
  • Puffer
  • MouthDog
  • ForestGiant
  • SandWorm
  • RedLocustBees
  • Doublewing
  • DocileLocustBees
  • BaboonHawk
  • SpringMan
  • Jester
  • LassoMan
  • Nutcracker
  • MaskedPlayerEnemy

Changes :

Old updates:
  • 1.2.11 :
    • Fixed monster names parsing issue that made inside monsters spawn outside.
    • Adjusted default scrap spawn weights.
    • Adjusted version checker.
    • Some null exceptions covered.
  • 1.2.7 :
    • Renamed UseGlobalSpawnRate field into UseGlobalSpawnWeight.
    • Added some missing options for scraps.
    • Added a security in name of assets to avoid errors.
    • Added several editor rules to guide users.
    • Overall micro optimizations of assets made with SDK.
    • Wateridge optimization first pass.
    • Fixed external scan nodes.
  • 1.2.0 :
    • Added support for more Fire Exits.
    • Added Item Drop Ship support.
    • New moons can now be hidden from the Terminal if wished.
    • Added an Old Asset Remover.
    • Added a Version Checker.
  • 1.1.7 :
    • New file extension for Modules.
  • 1.1.6 :
    • Fixed ShipNavmesh Prefab.
  • 1.1.5 :
    • Added water support.
    • Fixed minor issues.
    • Updated moon support.
    • Added Old Sea Port map and Assets.
  • 1.1.4 :
    • Game Version 45 Ready.
  • 1.1.3 :
    • Fixed possible AssetBundle creation lock.
  • 1.1.2 :
    • Finally fixed the crash.
  • 1.1.1 :
    • Attempt to fix a crash when dropping the PlayerShipNavMesh prefab on a scene.
  • 1.1.0 :
    • Full custom moons support.
    • Removed useless assets and compressed the main skybox.
    • Automatic asset bundle addressing.

Planned features :

Credits :

Screenshots :

Scrap1 Moon1 SceneBuilder Moon2