HolographicWings / LethalSDK-Unity-Project

Unity Project using Lethal Company SDK
MIT License
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Can we get a Player reference prefab? #15

Open subzerohurley opened 7 months ago

subzerohurley commented 7 months ago

Was wondering if we can get a player Arms prefab to help us place items in the hands easier? Atm we have to guess the coordinates which means alot of going back and fixing it?

HolographicWings commented 7 months ago

Was wondering if we can get a player Arms prefab to help us place items in the hands easier? Atm we have to guess the coordinates which means alot of going back and fixing it?

well, you already have it, in the Mods/LethalExpansion/Scenes folder

subzerohurley commented 7 months ago

Nothing seems to load Also why is the shading all dark too? meant to ask this a while ago image

subzerohurley commented 7 months ago

Ah I take all that back, I had to use the latest version for it to work.!

subzerohurley commented 7 months ago

That said, I get this error when I try building asset image

HolographicWings commented 7 months ago

That said, I get this error when I try building asset image

Some files have same name, read the editor console, it will tell you which file you must rename