HolographicWings / LethalSDK-Unity-Project

Unity Project using Lethal Company SDK
MIT License
42 stars 4 forks source link

Can you allow Soft Bones? #18

Open subzerohurley opened 7 months ago

subzerohurley commented 7 months ago

Noticed when I added Soft Bones to add Jiggle to my Scrap Item, it wasnt working. Learned that the mod whitelists certain components meaning anything outside of the whitelist, will be disabled in game.

HolographicWings commented 7 months ago

As i answered you in your other Issue, i can accept any custom script, i will add Dynamic Bones in the SDK in the future.

subzerohurley commented 7 months ago

Sorry, Not used to github, Sorry for the issue spam

HolographicWings commented 7 months ago

Sorry, Not used to github, Sorry for the issue spam

No worries

subzerohurley commented 7 months ago

If it helps, I would gladly donate/commission to have this feature in! That and I would also love to have the option to have scrap be two handed and the option to add a sound file when you left click

HolographicWings commented 7 months ago

If it helps, I would gladly donate/commission to have this feature in! That and I would also love to have the option to have scrap be two handed and the option to add a sound file when you left click

No don't, i don't do this SDK for money I'll add it in future And two handed option will be in next SDK update

subzerohurley commented 7 months ago

That's fair, Just think you're killing it with the SDK/Expansion, I would'nt of been able to add my own custom stuff into the game if it wasnt for your SDK. Plus it's a great entry way into the overall modding scene for unity as a whole! Also would it be easier to use "EZsoftBone" over "Dynamic Bones" since EZsoftbone is free?

HolographicWings commented 7 months ago

i will see both, performances comparaison between them is important too

subzerohurley commented 7 months ago

Ah right, Good point. I'm personally excited for whichever makes it in, had to cancel some ideas for scrap because I couldn't get any kind of Dynamic bones working.