HolographicWings / LethalSDK-Unity-Project

Unity Project using Lethal Company SDK
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Weather is always Dust Clouds #39

Open RegaDude opened 6 months ago

RegaDude commented 6 months ago

Hello! For some reason my weather even when the "Overwrite weather" option is checked, is always dust clouds. I have tried replacing every weather option with "None", I also tried having only "None" in the weather array. I then lastly tried the overwrite weather option but I still only get dust clouds.

HolographicWings commented 6 months ago

show me a screenshot of the moon file in the SDK and a screenshot of the terminal then a log file too please

RegaDude commented 6 months ago

weathertype LogOutput.txt

HolographicWings commented 6 months ago

Did you tried to uncheck the Overwrite and just leave None in the array ?

RegaDude commented 6 months ago

Yes I just tried that. The weird thing is the game recognizes that there is no weather event in the computer but it still shows the dusty clouds effect dust noWeather

HolographicWings commented 6 months ago

This is a local fog in the scene Look in the Lighting object

HolographicWings commented 6 months ago

image make sure you enabled theses buttons to see the post processing and the fog in Unity

RegaDude commented 6 months ago

I attached a video so you can see the clouds I am talking about. I tried messing around with fog settings but it is still there. Maybe I looked at wrong settings.


RegaDude commented 6 months ago

Update: when entering and exiting the dungeon, the dusty clouds as seen in the video are gone. Perhaps I missed a step

HolographicWings commented 6 months ago

I attached a video so you can see the clouds I am talking about. I tried messing around with fog settings but it is still there. Maybe I looked at wrong settings.


Weird, can you send me your LEM ? i'll try to look around

RegaDude commented 6 months ago

I made a blank moon with the same error just to avoid any errors from me adding my own elements to the moon shown in the video above. Here is the LEM file, it has the same issue. templatemod.zip

Oinkers8 commented 6 months ago

I am having this same issue. Was this ever figured out?

HolographicWings commented 6 months ago

I made a blank moon with the same error just to avoid any errors from me adding my own elements to the moon shown in the video above. Here is the LEM file, it has the same issue. templatemod.zip

hello, sorry i forgot you it seems that the duststorm auto enable when leaving the ship on every moon, everytime even on vanilla

HolographicWings commented 6 months ago

you can try to change the triggers around the ship this is the effect number 0 image

Oinkers8 commented 6 months ago

send me your lem file you too

Admittedly, I am still learning how everything works, and I can't get my mod to function as a single lem file. I've just been altering the test moon in the template mod and currently it only loads that if I include the oldseaport.lem file as well. So I am not entirely sure if I can send you what you're wanting. After messing with it some more, it seems that all weather effects only enable when leaving the ship. If I enter and exit the facility, all weather effects stop (only visually as lightning still happens in stormy) until I enter and exit the ship again. In this case, the dust weather effect seems to always be on, even when other weather effects are present. I can't remember for sure, but I think I didn't have this problem until after I tried enabling to override the weather effect.

Oinkers8 commented 6 months ago

you can try to change the triggers around the ship this is the effect number 0 image

Messing with this fixed the dust weather issue. Now the only problem I'm facing is that weather is visually disabled when I leave the inside of the facility and only gets re-enabled if I enter and exit the ship. I'm also having an issue where it doesn't get dark when it reaches night time and the sky basically stays at sunset, but that might not be related to any of this.

HolographicWings commented 6 months ago

you can try to change the triggers around the ship this is the effect number 0 image

Messing with this fixed the dust weather issue. Now the only problem I'm facing is that weather is visually disabled when I leave the inside of the facility and only gets re-enabled if I enter and exit the ship. I'm also having an issue where it doesn't get dark when it reaches night time and the sky basically stays at sunset, but that might not be related to any of this.

Leaving the dungeon trigger the audio reverb number 0 You can find it in the system object and tweak it For the sun rotation, check if the anim sun container is properly configured in the lighting object

Oinkers8 commented 6 months ago

The problem where when you leave the facility and it stops raining seems to also happen on the included old seaport map as well. If you get rainy conditions and go into the facility, when you leave the facility, it stops raining until you go back into the ship. Messing with the audio reverb number hasn't seemed to change anything either.

I also wanted to mention another issue where lightning hits metal items even while they're inside the facility. This also happens in the included old seaport map.