A graphical interface for recording with OCPI microscopes.
A paper explaining most of the implementation details and related hardware can be found here.
title={Fast objective coupled planar illumination microscopy},
author = {Greer, Cody and Holy, Timothy E.},
journal={Nature Communications},
URL = {https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-12340-0},
eprint = {https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-12340-0.pdf},
doi = {10.1038/s41467-019-12340-0}
We need to install below items
Clone this Imagine repository
Install Visual Studio 2015
Install QT5
Install QT add-in for vc2015
Install QWT v6.1.3
> cd VC
> vcvarsall amd64
> cd [qwt directory (extract .zip to c:\ then it will create Qwt-6.1.3 directory)]
> C:\Qt_5_7\5.7\msvc2015_64\bin\qmake qwt.pro
> nmake (if you recompile everything again, C:\Qwt-6.1.3\src\release directory should be clear)
> nmake install
Install Boost v1.57.0
> cd c:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_57_0
> bootstrap.bat
> .\b2 address-model=64 toolset=msvc-12.0
Install camera SDK
Setup target project of visual studio : open project and bring up property page Configuration Properties C/C++>General>Additional>Include Directories
C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Digital Camera Toolbox\pco.sdk\include
Linker>General>Additional>Library Directories
C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Digital Camera Toolbox\pco.sdk\lib64
C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Digital Camera Toolbox\pco.sdk\bin64
Install NI(National Instrument) DAQ driver
Setup target project of visual studio : open project and bring up property page Configuration Properties C/C++>General>Additional>Include Directories
C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\DAQmx ANSI C Dev\include
Linker>General>Additional>Library Directories
C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\ExternalCompilerSupport\C\lib64\msvc
Modify some items in the preference of Imagine project, if the directory of camera sdk installation is changed from the OCPI's setting.
Install FFTW for frequency analysis of piezo control waveform
Setup visual studio : open project and bring up property page Configuration Properties C/C++>General>Additional>Include Directories
Linker>General>Additional>Library Directories
libfftw3-3.lib, libfftw3f-3.lib, libfftw3l-3.lib
Now, we can build Imagine project. But, to execute the Imagine, we need to copy all files below under the 'Output Directory' and 'Working Directory' of Imagine project.
In the Imagine GUI, general settings, parameter control settings and .json file name for waveform control can be saved in a configuration file with a ‘save configuration’ command in file menu. In script control mode, we can load, verify and record with this configuration file.
Typical work flow is as follows.
a. Prepare specimen
b. Capture full live image with a "live" button
c. Set parameters of display : intensity scale, zoom region, etc
d. Set parameters for an experiment : camera, positioner, laser, stimuli, output filename, etc
e. Press "Apply all" button : This verifies if the setting parameters are valid. If not, Imagine rejects the settings
f. Start acquisition : If the parameters are valid, we can start acquisition by clicking a "record" button.
g. Inspect the acquired data : Once the acquisition is end, we can verify the acquisition if it is ended normally or interrupted by some errors, Using "display" tab and "AI and DI" tab, we can verify that and also briefly check if we got the desired data.
Imagine GUI is composed with several sections as listed below with numbers corresponding the numbers in the above image.
This window is designed for setting overall parameters for the microscope operation and display. This window consists of three main sections which are "Config and control", "Histogram" and "Intensity". Currently, the "Intensity" tab is not used. "Histogram" section displays histogram of an image displayed in "Display window". "Config and control" tab is designed for setting overall parameters such as camera control, positioner control, laser control and stimuli control which are used to configure an experiment. Also, it provides some basic tools for later inspection of acquired data.
This window displays live images from the cameras attached to the microscope or captured images during the acquisition or after the acquisition by loading the '.imagine' file at the "Display" tab. In this window, we can zoom the image. This zoomed region can be set as a soft ROI region at the "camera" tab.
This window displays log messages.
This window makes a list of stimulus numbers according to the stack numbers when we load stimuli file. Details are explained in the explanation of "Stimuli" tab.
Details are explained in the explanation of main menu page.
We can save a current configuration and load it later using this menu.
We can start acquisition or live displaying the images from the cameras.
We can open and close a laser shutter of laser. "Heatsink Fan" and "Temperature" menus are not usable currently.
This tab is designed for setting the location and filename of output file and adding some comments about the parameter settings of this experiment. These settings and comments can be saved in a configuration file which will be created by clicking the "Save Configuration" item in the "File" menu.
Some parameters such as exposure time and idle time between stacks are tightly related with some parameters in positioner tab. And, some parameters related with ROI are restricted according to ROI mode such as soft ROI (details about ROI modes are explained in the PCO camera manual). Imagine internally blocks undesired number of these parameters.
this figure, 'HR_test.stim' file is loaded, which shows an example description of stimuli. Here, several pairs of numbers are listed. The left number is a stack number and the right number is a stimulus number. If "Apply stimuli" is enabled, the stimulus number will be encoded with a 4-bit binary number and then each bits will be used to generate TTL pulses to channel P0.0 ~ P0.3.
This tab is for setting the start position and stop position of positioner and also positioner moving back time.
The laser module of OCPI-2 has five different wavelengths. We can turn on and off an individual laser by checking the checkbox beside which the wavelength is labeled. The power of the laser can be also adjusted with slide bars and spinboxes. During the laser setting, we need to open the main laser shutter by clicking the "Open Shutter" button in the main menu. If we use waveform control mode, we can control the each shutters of the five individual wavelengths differently.
In this figure, 'scriptControlTest.js' file is loaded, which shows example script descriptions. This script control mode will be explained in more detail in the next section.
In the script control mode, we can execute javascript code in the Imagine. In addition, Imagine provides several javascript functions for user to access some essential operations which are used to record data. Thereby, we can execute several experiments according to the control flow specified with javascript code by one execution without intervention.
In the Imagine GUI, general settings, parameter control settings and .json file name for waveform control can be saved in an configuration file with a ‘save configuration’ command in file menu. In script control mode, we can load, verify and record with this configuration file.
prints string to the log terminal.
ex) print("Hello world!");
applies loaded configuration to data acquisition task and checks the validity of config files. This works as if we press a ‘Apply all’ button in the Imagine GUI after loading configuration files if these files are specified.
ex) var isOK = validityCheck("OCPI_cfg1.txt", "OCPI_cfg2.txt"); var isOK = validityCheck();
This works same as validityCheck() function.
ex) applyConfiguration();
begins to record. This works as if we press a ‘Record’ button in the Imagine GUI after loading configuration files if these are specifies. If configuration files are not specified, this just records according to the current configuration. This function return ‘false’ if execution time passes ‘timeout’ time, otherwise return ‘true.
ex) var isSucceed = record("OCPI_cfg1.txt", "OCPI_cfg2.txt", timeout); var isSucceed = record(timeout);
loads configuration files.
ex) loadConfig("OCPI_cfg1.txt", "OCPI_cfg2.txt"); loadConfig("OCPI_cfg1.txt“);
loads a waveform file.
ex) loadWaveform("OCPI_waveform.json");
makes the script execution sleep specified times in millisecond.
ex) sleepms(1000); // sleep 1000msec
changes output file names with specified file names.
ex) setOutputFilename("t1.imagine","t2.imagine"); setOutputFilename("t1.imagine");
returns estimated recording time in second. This time is calculated from total sample number of waveform signal. Therefore, it would take more time in actual acquisition which requires additional preparing and finishing times. These overhead times are less than 30sec in total.
ex) var time = getEstimatedRunTime();
stop recording. This function is useful to get a control again when the Imagine lose a control after record() is fail.
ex) stopRecord();
return various elapsed times according to 'dt' value.
0: record start to DAQ pulses output start
1: DAQ pulses output start to DAQ pulses output end
2: DAQ pulses output end to recording end
3: current time
ex) total_elapsed_time = getTimeElapsed(0) + getTimeElapsed(1) + getTimeElapsed(2);
ex) function current_time() {return getTimeElapsed(3);}
We can also use existing javascript objects.
ex) print(Math.sqrt(64)+Math.abs(-1)+Math.log(10));
var ret1, ret2, ret3, ret11, ret22, ret33;
// output filename
var paramCam1ConfigFile = "d:/test/OCPI_cfg1.txt";
var paramCam2ConfigFile = "d:/test/OCPI_cfg1.txt"
var waveCam1ConfigFile = "d:/test/OCPI_cfg1_wav.txt"
var waveCam2ConfigFile = "d:/test/OCPI_cfg1_wav.txt"
var test1Cam1File = "d:/test/test1_cam1.imagine";
var test1Cam2File = "f:/test/test1_cam2.imagine";
var test2Cam1File = "d:/test/test2_cam1.imagine";
var test2Cam2File = "f:/test/test2_cam2.imagine";
var test3Cam1File = "d:/test/test3_cam1.imagine";
var test3Cam2File = "f:/test/test3_cam2.imagine";
var test3WaveformFile = "d:/test/t_script_wav2.json";
// setup recording timeout time
var timeout = 30; // 30sec
var timeoutMargin = 20;
/* Check all the configurations before running them */
print("Checking the validity of all three configurations");
// loard OCPI_cfg1.txt (this is parameter control config file)
loadConfig(paramCam1ConfigFile, paramCam2ConfigFile);
setOutputFilename(test1Cam1File, test1Cam2File);
// check the 1st configuration
ret1 = validityCheck();
// OCPI_cfg1_wav.txt (waveform control : t_script_wav.json is specified in)
loadConfig(waveCam1ConfigFile, waveCam2ConfigFile);
setOutputFilename(test2Cam1File, test2Cam2File);
// check the 2nd configuration
ret2 = validityCheck();
// replace t_script_wav.json with t_script_wav2.json
ret3 = loadWaveform(test3WaveformFile);
setOutputFilename(test3Cam1File, test3Cam2File);
// check the 3rd configuration
ret3 = validityCheck();
/* Execute all the configurations */
if(ret1 && ret2 && ret3) { // If all the configurations are valid
var estimatedRunTime;
// setup the 1st configuration
print("Recoding the 1st configuration");
loadConfig(paramCam1ConfigFile, paramCam2ConfigFile);
setOutputFilename(test1Cam1File, test1Cam2File);
applyConfiguration(); // this can be also used to apply this configuration to the system
estimatedRunTime = getEstimatedRunTime();
// Recording
timeout = estimatedRunTime + timeoutMargin;
ret11 = record(timeout);
if (!ret11) stopRecord();
// sleep 3000 msec
print("Waiting 3 seconds");
// 2nd configuration
print("Recoding the 2nd configuration");
loadConfig(waveCam1ConfigFile, waveCam2ConfigFile);
setOutputFilename(test2Cam1File, test2Cam2File);
estimatedRunTime = getEstimatedRunTime();
timeout = estimatedRunTime + timeoutMargin;
ret22 = record(timeout);
if (!ret22) stopRecord();
// sleep 100000 msec
print("Waiting 10 seconds");
// 3rd configuration
// If we are here, we already loaded OCPI_cfg1_wav.txt.
// So, we just replace waveform file
print("Recoding the 3rd configuration");
ret3 = loadWaveform(test3WaveformFile) ;
setOutputFilename(test3Cam1File, test3Cam2File);
estimatedRunTime = getEstimatedRunTime();
timeout = estimatedRunTime + timeoutMargin;
ret33 = record(timeout);
if (!ret33) stopRecord();
// Display execution results
print("All the recodings are finished");
var msg1 = "configuration 1 validity: "+ ret1 +", recording: " + ret11;
var msg2 = "configuration 2 validity: "+ ret2 +", recording: " + ret22;
var msg3 = "configuration 3 validity: "+ ret3 +", recording: " + ret33;