HomeOfVapourSynthEvolution / VapourSynth-BM3D

BM3D denoising filter for VapourSynth
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Copyright© 2015-2016 mawen1250

BM3D denoising filter for VapourSynth


BM3D is a state-of-the-art image denoising algorithm. It can be extended to video denoising, named V-BM3D, which is also implemented in this plugin.

This filter is much easier to use with the wrap function named BM3D() in mvsfunc

Requirements: libfftw3f-3.dll from FFTW3 should be in the search path

namespace: bm3d

functions: RGB2OPP, OPP2RGB, Basic, Final, VBasic, VFinal, VAggregate

Supported Formats

sample type & bps: 8-16 bit integer, 32 bit float.

color family: Gray, RGB, YUV or YCoCg.

sub-sampling: when chroma is processed, sub-sampling is not supported, YUV444 only.

Important Note


Helper Functions

RGB color space to opponent color space.

bm3d.RGB2OPP(clip input[, int sample=0])

opponent color space to RGB color space.

bm3d.OPP2RGB(clip input[, int sample=0])

BM3D Functions

BM3D is a spatial domain denoising (image denoising) filter.

basic estimate of BM3D denoising filter

The input clip is processed in 3-step stages, For each reference block:

This basic estimate produces a decent estimate of the noise-free image, as a reference for final estimate.

bm3d.Basic(clip input[, clip ref=input, string profile="fast", float[] sigma=[10,10,10], int block_size, int block_step, int group_size, int bm_range, int bm_step, float th_mse, float hard_thr, int matrix=2])

final estimate of BM3D denoising filter

It takes the basic estimate as a reference.

The input clip is processed in 3-step stages, For each reference block:

This final estimate can be realized as a refinement. It can significantly improve the denoising quality, keeping more details and fine structures that were removed in basic estimate.

bm3d.Final(clip input, clip ref[, string profile="fast", float[] sigma=[10,10,10], int block_size, int block_step, int group_size, int bm_range, int bm_step, float th_mse, int matrix=2])

V-BM3D Functions

V-BM3D extends the BM3D to spatial-temporal domain denoising (video denoising).

The algorithm is much the same as BM3D, except that it applies block-matching and collaborative filtering across multiple frames in a video.

For the current frame, is still applies a full-search(when BMstep=1) block-matching to it.

For the backward frames and forward frames, it applies predictive-search block-matching, whose search window is centered on several matched locations in the previous processed frame.

The obtained block-wise estimates are also aggregated into multiple frames.

However, since the estimates are returned into multiple frames, I have to divide it into 2 functions: bm3d.VBasic or bm3d.VFinal as the first stage and bm3d.VAggregate as the second stage. The output clip of bm3d.VBasic and bm3d.VFinal is an intermediate processed buffer. It is of 32 bit float format, and (radius 2 + 1) 2 times the height of input.

Always call bm3d.VAggregate after bm3d.VBasic or bm3d.VFinal.

Due to the float format and multiple times height of the output clip, as well as the multiple frames requested by each function, those frame cache leads to very high memory consumption of this V-BM3D implementation.

For RGB color family input, the output clip is of opponent color space in YUV color family. You should manually call bm3d.OPP2RGB after bm3d.VAggregate if you want to convert it back to RGB color space.

If specific plane is not processed (sigma is 0), then the result of that plane will be garbage, thus you should manually use std.ShufflePlanes to merge them. For the same reason, you should always convert RGB input to OPP first if you want to keep those unprocessed planes. Becanse the implementaion of V-BM3D is divided into 2 functions, it's not very convenient and efficient to pass through the unprocessed planes.

basic estimate of V-BM3D denoising filter

bm3d.VBasic(clip input[, clip ref=input, string profile="fast", float[] sigma=[10,10,10], int radius, int block_size, int block_step, int group_size, int bm_range, int bm_step, int ps_num, int ps_range, int ps_step, float th_mse, float hard_thr, int matrix=2])

final estimate of V-BM3D denoising filter

bm3d.VFinal(clip input, clip ref[, string profile="fast", float[] sigma=[10,10,10], int radius, int block_size, int block_step, int group_size, int bm_range, int bm_step, int ps_num, int ps_range, int ps_step, float th_mse, int matrix=2])

aggregation of V-BM3D denoising filter

If your input clip of bm3d.VBasic or bm3d.VFinal is of RGB color family, you will need to manually call bm3d.OPP2RGB after bm3d.VAggregate to convert it back to RGB.

bm3d.VAggregate(clip input[, int radius=1, int sample=0])

Profile Default

bm3d.Basic / bm3d.Final / bm3d.VBasic / bm3d.VFinal
| profile || block_size | block_step | group_size  | bm_range    | bm_step |
| "fast"  || 8/8/8/8    | 8/7/8/7    | 8/8/8/8     | 9/9/7/7     | 1/1/1/1 |
| "lc"    || 8/8/8/8    | 6/5/6/5    | 16/16/8/8   | 9/9/9/9     | 1/1/1/1 |
| "np"    || 8/8/8/8    | 4/3/4/3    | 16/32/8/8   | 16/16/12/12 | 1/1/1/1 |
| "high"  || 8/8/8/8    | 3/2/3/2    | 16/32/8/8   | 16/16/16/16 | 1/1/1/1 |
| "vn"    || 8/11/8/11  | 4/6/4/6    | 32/32/16/16 | 16/16/12/12 | 1/1/1/1 |
bm3d.VBasic / bm3d.VFinal
| profile || radius | ps_num | ps_range | ps_step |
| "fast"  || 1/1    | 2/2    | 4/5      | 1/1/1/1 |
| "lc"    || 2/2    | 2/2    | 4/5      | 1/1/1/1 |
| "np"    || 3/3    | 2/2    | 5/6      | 1/1/1/1 |
| "high"  || 4/4    | 2/2    | 7/8      | 1/1/1/1 |
| "vn"    || 4/4    | 2/2    | 5/6      | 1/1/1/1 |
bm3d.Basic & bm3d.VBasic / bm3d.Final & bm3d.VFinal
| profile || th_mse                              | hard_thr  |
| "fast"  || sigma[0]*80+400   / sigma[0]*10+200 | 2.7 / NUL |
| "lc"    || sigma[0]*80+400   / sigma[0]*10+200 | 2.7 / NUL |
| "np"    || sigma[0]*80+400   / sigma[0]*10+200 | 2.7 / NUL |
| "high"  || sigma[0]*80+400   / sigma[0]*10+200 | 2.7 / NUL |
| "vn"    || sigma[0]*150+1000 / sigma[0]*40+400 | 2.8 / NUL |


BM3D Example

import mvsfunc as mvf

flt = mvf.BM3D(src, sigma=3.0, profile1="fast")
flt = core.bm3d.Basic(src, sigma=[10,6,8])
ref = core.bm3d.Basic(src, sigma=[10,7])
flt = core.bm3d.Final(src, ref, sigma=[10,7])
pre = haf.sbr(src, 3)
ref = core.bm3d.Basic(src, pre, sigma=10)
flt = core.bm3d.Final(src, ref, sigma=10)
src = core.bm3d.RGB2OPP(src) # The output is of 16bit opponent color space
ref = core.bm3d.Basic(src, matrix=100) # Specify the matrix of opponent color space
flt = core.bm3d.Final(src, ref, matrix=100) # Specify the matrix of opponent color space
flt = core.bm3d.OPP2RGB(flt) # The output is of 16bit RGB color space

V-BM3D Example

import mvsfunc as mvf

flt = mvf.BM3D(src, sigma=3.0, radius1=1, profile1="fast")
src = core.bm3d.RGB2OPP(src)
ref = core.bm3d.VBasic(src, radius=1, matrix=100).bm3d.VAggregate(radius=1)
flt = core.bm3d.VFinal(src, ref, radius=1, matrix=100).bm3d.VAggregate(radius=1)
flt = core.bm3d.OPP2RGB(flt)
src = core.bm3d.RGB2OPP(src)
ref = core.bm3d.VBasic(src, sigma=[10,0,0], radius=1, matrix=100).bm3d.VAggregate(radius=1)
flt = core.bm3d.VFinal(src, ref, sigma=[10,0,0], radius=1, matrix=100).bm3d.VAggregate(radius=1)
flt = core.std.ShufflePlanes([flt,src,src], [0,1,2], vs.YUV)
flt = core.bm3d.OPP2RGB(flt)
src = core.bm3d.RGB2OPP(src)
srcGray = core.std.ShufflePlanes(src, 0, vs.GRAY)
ref = core.bm3d.VBasic(srcGray, sigma=[10,0,0], radius=1, matrix=100).bm3d.VAggregate(radius=1)
flt = core.bm3d.VFinal(srcGray, ref, sigma=[10,0,0], radius=1, matrix=100).bm3d.VAggregate(radius=1)
flt = core.std.ShufflePlanes([flt,src,src], [0,1,2], vs.YUV)
flt = core.bm3d.OPP2RGB(flt)
src = core.bm3d.RGB2OPP(src)
ref = core.bm3d.VBasic(src, sigma=[0,10,10], radius=1, matrix=100).bm3d.VAggregate(radius=1)
ref = core.std.ShufflePlanes([src,ref,ref], [0,1,2], vs.YUV)
flt = core.bm3d.VFinal(src, ref, sigma=[0,10,10], radius=1, matrix=100).bm3d.VAggregate(radius=1)
flt = core.std.ShufflePlanes([src,flt,flt], [0,1,2], vs.YUV)
flt = core.bm3d.OPP2RGB(flt)
src = core.bm3d.RGB2OPP(src)
ref = core.bm3d.Basic(src, matrix=100)
flt = core.bm3d.VFinal(src, ref, radius=1, matrix=100).bm3d.VAggregate(radius=1)
flt = core.bm3d.OPP2RGB(flt)
src = core.bm3d.RGB2OPP(src)
ref = haf.SMDegrain(src)
flt = core.bm3d.VFinal(src, ref, radius=1, matrix=100).bm3d.VAggregate(radius=1)
flt = core.bm3d.OPP2RGB(flt)


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