HorizonUnix / FixRDAR4XR11

Fix RDAR issue when Dynamic Island is enabled on iPhone XR/11, 17.0 to 18.0 RC1
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Fix RDAR issue when Dynamic Island is enabled on iPhone XR/11, from iOS 17.0 to 18.0 RC1

Pros (compared to MDC/KFD method)



For Windows

  1. Download Cowabunga Lite for Windows.
  2. Download the plist file from Releases.
  3. Open Cowabunga Lite for Windows and connect your iPhone to your PC.

Step 3

  1. Navigate to C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\CowabungaLite\Workspace\000-YOUR-DEVICE-UUID\SkipSetup\ManagedPreferencesDomain\mobile.
  2. Paste the plist you just downloaded into the mobile folder.

Step 5

  1. Go back to Cowabunga Lite, click the Apply tab, and then press the Apply button. The device will reboot after that.

Step 6

For macOS

  1. Download Cowabunga Lite v2.1.1.
  2. Download the install .cowperation file from Releases.
  3. Open Cowabunga Lite for macOS and connect your iPhone to your Mac.

Step 3

  1. Click the Custom Operations tab and then click the Import button.

Step 4

  1. Choose the install file.

Step 5

  1. After importing the install file, click the Edit button.

Step 6

  1. Then click the Enable button and then click the Back button.

Step 7

  1. Click the Apply tab and click the Apply button.

Step 8


For Windows

  1. Download the uninstall plist file from Releases, rename it like the install file, and follow the same steps above.

For macOS

  1. Download the uninstall .cowperation file from Releases and follow the same steps above.


Result Result 1

Special thanks đź’–