Hostaway / wordpress-plugin

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Wordpress plugin for Hostaway

Manage your vacation rental properties like never before with our all-in-one software.

Pre-production releases


Installation requirements

In case your WordPress is hosted by, the ability to install plugins requires Business or eCommerce plan.

How to install and configure the plugin

  1. Download the latest from Releases and install it: the easiest is to install the plugin through Plugins->Add New->Upload Plugins, or (advanced) upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory on the web-server.
  2. On Plugins page for Hostaway choose Activate Plugin.
  3. Use the Plugins->Hostaway->Settings page to configure the plugin:
    • Enter your Account ID and Secret code and press Get access token button (it will fetch JWT token used to access Hostaway API).
    • Google Maps API key enables using Google Map on the Search and Listing pages. Get Google Maps API Key.
    • Google recaptcha public key and Google recaptcha private key are needed to enable recaptcha protection from automated spam. Get reCAPTCHA API key pair.
    • Debug mode helps debug by disabling internal page caching. To turn debugging set to 1. Once you are happy with results, please remember to set it to 0 for snappier page loads.
    • Clear cache momentarily clears internal page and Hostaway API response caches. Currently any Hostaway API response is being cached for 5 mins.
    • If you want to adjust CSS for your theme please go to Settings->Hostaway->Custom CSS and paste your styles there.

Now after plugin activation and configuration is done, following new pages in Pages -> All pages should be operational: