HotaruBlaze / TES3MP_DiscordRelay

Discord Relay for TES3MP!
5 stars 4 forks source link

This repo is deprecated and no longer being worked on, It's replacement can be here:

Discord Relay for TES3MP 0.7.0 (Webhook Branch)

This is one of my first attempts at scripting for TES3MP and Lua

(Read note below)

Note: Due to limiations with Lua, we are unable to use wss (websockets), This prevents the ability to have Discord -> tes3mp chat. You can follow progress here

This branch has been tweaked to use webhooks as an "Lazy and quick" working alternative, while a more elegant solution is planned


Feel free to submit Issues and Pull Requests.

Consistent tabulation
lowerCamelCase for local and global variables
UpperCamelCase for function names.

Warnings / Known issues


How to create a webhook

1) Create or select the channel you would like to use

2) Right click and edit the channel


3) Select webhook from the side menu


4) Create a webhook and customize it as you see fit


Note: At this time the bot's name is set to the players name with no configuration option, So the name does not matter

5) Add the webhook to data/discord_config.json

6) You should see something like below when a player types ingame.
