Hotrian / OpenVRTwitchChat

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Add toggles for HighQuality, AntiAlias, and Curved options #12

Open Hotrian opened 8 years ago

Hotrian commented 8 years ago

According to the documentation regarding HighQuality:

This overlay will be composited in during the distortion pass which results in it drawing on top of everything else, but also at a higher quality as it samples the source texture directly rather than rasterizing into each eye's render texture first. Because if this, only one of these is supported at any given time. It is most useful for overlays that are expected to take up most of the user's view (e.g. streaming video).

Only HighQuality Overlays can be flagged 'AntiAlias' or 'Curved', as per the API, so this could potentially conflict with other overlay programs as only a single overlay can be HighQuality at a time, but I would still like to add support for these when I get a chance.

Curved overlays look pretty fancy :).