Hotrian / OpenVRTwitchChat

Put your favorite Twitch Chat directly into any OpenVR game!
174 stars 50 forks source link

This Repo is marked for merging and eventually deletion. Please see #18 for more details.


This is the new home of the TwitchChatOverlay repository!

It was previously located over here!

See also my OpenVRDesktopDisplayPortal for putting any desktop window into VR :D

==== Donate

This is a stripped down version of the SteamVR Unity Plugin with a custom Overlay script that displays twitch chat!

To use this, Download and launch the latest release, and enter your Twitch Username, OAuth Key (get your OAuth Key here) and the desired Channel, then press "Press to Connect" and it should momentarilly connect to your Twitch chat. Check behind one of your controllers (should be left!) for your chat display! It should zoom up when you look at it.

Oculus Rift users:

We're receiving reports that some Rift users find some games are incompatible with the SteamVR Overlay system. You can read more about it in the issue posted here. The jist of things is that some games seem to skip the SteamVR Compositor and draw directly to the Rift instead. Check the SteamVR Display Mirror and see if you can see the Overlays there. If you can see the Overlays in the Mirror but not the Rift, then that game is probably incompatible :(. Please post your findings in the issue.


Basic Controls

(click to enlarge) (actual controls might vary slightly as this is still under development) basic controls


Note that these demos are a bit old, and do not represent the current state of the branch.

Known Issues

For clarification, what I did was right-click on the .exe file, clicked "Properties", went to the "Compatibility" tab, and checked the box under "Run as Administrator". For the record, I have also done this with Steam and SteamVR. If you're having any issues with any of these programs, I would start there.

Additional Notes / Tips & Tricks

How can I help?

If you know how to program, we could always use help! Feel free to fork the repo and improve it in any way you see fit; but if you don't know how but still want to contribute, we always need more beta testers! Download the release and share it around! If you want to do more, donations are always cool too! You'll be funding my programming endeavors, including cool projects like these VR Overlays: Donate

Special Thanks

(No endorsements are intended to be implied.)

Thanks to Grahnz for the base TwitchIRC.cs script! The license file is available here.

Thanks to Eric Daily for the base SaveLoad script! The license file is available here.

Thanks to Jalastram for some of their sounds! The license file for these can be found [here](../master/Assets/StreamingAssets/Twitch/Sounds/GUI Sound Effects/LICENSE.txt).

Thanks to everyone who has tested it so far! The feedback has really helped speed things along!