Hotrian / OpenVRTwitchChat

Put your favorite Twitch Chat directly into any OpenVR game!
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Controllers must be connected at start or they will never be detected #14

Open Hotrian opened 7 years ago

Hotrian commented 7 years ago

I haven't tested this yet but I'm pretty sure that it's true. The application must be restarted to detect newly connected devices, A future version will check periodically for newly connected devices automatically.

Hotrian commented 7 years ago

The title made it sound like Both controllers had to be connected when in reality I meant to say that if either controller is not connected then just that controller will never be detected. If neither controller is connected then neither will be detected :(.

I was just trying to be concise in the title.

This is an easy fix though.

Dracrius commented 6 years ago

Would you also consider pushing through this "easy fix" for controllers because since I use a rift I have to do some fun juggling of my headset to make sure my controllers get picked up when I launch OpenVRTwitchChat.

Hotrian commented 6 years ago

This was never implemented because it isn't efficient to be searching for the controllers all the time -- and with OpenVR allowing 16 (now 64?) maximum devices, that's a lot of polling -- though that doesn't mean it isn't possible, it's just going to lower performance. I haven't worked on OVRTC in about two years, but I'll see about updating some things.

Dracrius commented 6 years ago

That's a fair point maybe just a refresh button which then looks for new controllers once instead of continuously? At least then we don't have to restart the program if it didn't pick the controllers up the first time.

Hotrian commented 6 years ago

That would be super easy. Refresh button incoming.

Hotrian commented 6 years ago

Could you give this one a test for me? I'm just using the Null driver at the moment (no HMD or controllers connected).

Dracrius commented 6 years ago

That worked quite well. It did get the controllers backwards but I saw the swap controller button there now too which worked as expected. With this is there any way to also remember/save which anchor we choose. So that for instance since I usually set it to leftcontroller bellowfliped, as soon as controllers where connected it would switched to my last setting on exit, or maybe have it as part of the saved profile settings.

Hotrian commented 6 years ago

Hmm.. I would have assumed it saved that already -- OVRdrop does -- but of course it's been a while since I worked on OVRTC. I can check into it.