Hotrian / OpenVRTwitchChat

Put your favorite Twitch Chat directly into any OpenVR game!
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Login anonymously #19

Closed ocgineer closed 7 years ago

ocgineer commented 7 years ago

As you have no way to reply back (yet) in chat it might be easier for people to login to the Twitch Chat anonymously, or have an option to login like that. The username needs to be 'justinfan' followed by a few random numbers. The password can then be blank or random.

Hotrian commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the tip! I didn't see that anywhere in the API documentation. Are you sure you can connect to the IRC that way?

ocgineer commented 7 years ago

Ye I used your program to login anonymously, used the username of 'justinfan324235' (just some random numbers) [I don't think there is a minimum on the numbers either, but I always used at least 4] and password of '1234' and it works correctly. I had to fill in a password as I think you programmed it like that it requires a password before you can click connect, but I am pretty sure you can leave the password as an empty string.

edit; this makes the need to save the oauth not needed anymore either. I've seen the other issue about this.

Hotrian commented 7 years ago

Cool, thanks for the info.

I'll probably add this to my implementation in OpenVRDesktopDisplayPortal, but if you check #18 you'll see I probably won't be working on this repo in particular anymore. OVRDDP is due for a name change and I will be making it into more of a general purpose VR Utility program, and OVRTC will fit right in as a selectable mode :).

I might make a few changes to OVRTC before dropping updates to this repo, but OVRDDP's Overlay implementation has a lot of enhancements that would be a pain to reimplement into OVRTC at this point. It would be much easier to add OVRTC as a mode to OVRDDP and change the name :).

I realize that might make it a bit harder for new devs to work on, but for the end users it will be easier to just download a single program and switch between modes rather than managing updating two (or more) programs and keeping track of all the shortcuts, etc.

There isn't really a good reason not to, except from the developer standpoint. New devs would probably have an easier time working on a program that is dedicated to only a single purpose.

Hotrian commented 7 years ago

Also, yes: I did add an artificial requirement that you need a password, because I wasn't aware there was a situation where you didn't :P

ocgineer commented 7 years ago

Yea saw that comment, and of course have a look at it as well. Just wanted to point out that it was possible to login anonymously as it might save some hassle for both you and the end user.

The AboveFlipped chat mode is genius btw ;)

Hotrian commented 7 years ago

Hey, I had to make some changes for the latest Twitch API, so I went ahead and added this. If you leave the Username or OAuth box blank OVRTC will generate a "JustinFan#####" username and let you login anonymously, so it is now no longer required to use a Username or OAuth to login.

Unfortunately, I misplaced the source for the "b" version that was missing Emote support. On the upside though, it seems it was Unity 5.3.5f1 that had issues with the Emote support, and Unity 5.3.6f1 seems to not have the issues with Emote support anymore that caused the chat to freeze for some reason. It seems lines that are nothing but emotes can still bug out though and display a blank line; this one at least I can fix.

Unfortunately, it seems Unity 5.3.6f1 bugged out the sounds, and they play initially but sometimes they stop playing and won't play again. I'll have to look into this some more.