Hotrian / OpenVRTwitchChat

Put your favorite Twitch Chat directly into any OpenVR game!
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No longer displays chat while in VR + Twitch API Changes #41

Closed KingGold171 closed 4 years ago

KingGold171 commented 4 years ago

Up untill recently everything was working fine. Not sure if its related to a SteamVR update or not.

I have tried OVRDrop on stream but had no luck getting the window to display or connect to chat, so i guess the issues are across the board. (Since been refunded)

I like the concept of OVRDrop, but the simplicity of OVRTC and only being twich chat on a controller is much nicer to look at then a whole browser window,

Twitch API Since i work with Twitch API regually for other projects it was easy to update from Kracken to the new Helix API so connecting to chat displaying is simple. Error on page ( 410 Gone Error on page ( 410 Gone These errors are fixed. along with other Twitch related ones.

Only thing left to work out is why you can't see the chat overlay in VR.

Code for fixing all Twitch API changes can soon be released as a Pull Request.

Hotrian commented 4 years ago

If you are having issues with overlays across the board, this is likely a SteamVR issue.

OVRdrop is designed to copy a window into VR, so it doesn’t connect to any chat — most people using OVRdrop for this are using Twitch’s popout chat and cloning that. As for displaying in VR, overlays are actually drawn by SteamVR. Which headset are you using?

KingGold171 commented 4 years ago

HTC Vive

I have tried Twitch Chat popout window.

It does show on OVRDrop screen, just never In VR (World, Screen or controller)

Hotrian commented 4 years ago

Could you attach the output_log.txt from inside the OVRdrop_Data folder?

Could you also post screenshots of the OVRdrop window with the Additional Settings menu open?

KingGold171 commented 4 years ago output_log.txt

SteamVR 1.10.32

Hotrian commented 4 years ago

Thanks! Unfortunately nothing immediately stands out as being an issue.

Can you see any overlays in VR? Can you see the SteamVR dashboard overlays? Can you see SteamVR's notifications?

The fact you seem to have an issue with both OVRTC and OVRdrop makes me think SteamVR itself is failing to composite overlays. A setting may have been turned off, or a file or configuration may have become corrupted in SteamVR. Googling around I found one person who couldn't get any overlays working until they completely reinstalled Steam itself, which may point to a configuration file.

KingGold171 commented 4 years ago

It was working before a SteamVR update.

Will test other Steam related overlays and if that fail i shall go down route of reinstalling Steam and SteamVR.

From what i have seen SteamVR is not as easy to rollback to previous version.

Will post results in due course.

KingGold171 commented 4 years ago

Reinstalled Steam and SteamVR Can see steam chat messages popup and friends playing games. Normal SteamVR overlays/menus are working as expected.

OVRDrop and OVRTC still fail to display Im still fixed on possibility of SteamVR Update causing breaking changes.

KingGold171 commented 4 years ago

output_log.txt after reinstall of steam and steamvr. From ovrdrop

Hotrian commented 4 years ago

OVRdrop is still working for me on 1.10.32 and unfortunately that log only contains informational output and no actual errors. It normally would contain actual errors, but none seem to be being thrown by OVRdrop. I would guess this is a SteamVR issue on your PC, and there’s nothing directly I can do to fix it.

KingGold171 commented 4 years ago

Reinstalled Everything...

Yet still doesn't work. So i've just refunded on Steam. Sorry but untill i know whats going on, not worth owning.

Hotrian commented 4 years ago

I am closing this one for being stale. If this is still happening please reopen this issue.