HotswapProjects / HotswapAgent

Java unlimited redefinition of classes at runtime.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Hotswap Agent

Maven Build Status License: GPL v2 Gitter follow on Twitter

This is an overview page, please visit for more information.


Java unlimited runtime class and resource redefinition.

Originally, the main purpose of this project was to avoid the infamous change code -> restart and wait... -> check development lifecycle. Lately, this schema evolved into a new paradigm in the Java world, based on the development of software in running application, that approach can be used even in a closed environment like Docker.

Easy to start

1.Download and install:

2.HotswapAgent modes

Starting with dcevm-11.0.9, the HotswapAgent is disabled by default. Support for HotswapAgent can now be enabled by JVM options in three different modes:

The HotswapAgent=core mode operates without plugins, except for core JVM plugins. This mode is faster because it requires fewer scanning tasks and less class copying. Additional plugins must be configured as Maven dependencies in the pom.xml file. In contrast, the HotswapAgent=fatjar mode includes all plugins from the start, which slightly slows down the application startup.


3.Run your application:

Start the application in debug mode, check that the agent and plugins are initialized correctly:

    HOTSWAP AGENT: 9:49:29.548 INFO (org.hotswap.agent.HotswapAgent) - Loading Hotswap agent - unlimited runtime class redefinition.
    HOTSWAP AGENT: 9:49:29.725 INFO (org.hotswap.agent.config.PluginRegistry) - Discovered plugins: [org.hotswap.agent.plugin.hotswapper.HotswapperPlugin, org.hotswap.agent.plugin.jvm.AnonymousClassPatchPlugin, org.hotswap.agent.plugin.hibernate.HibernatePlugin, org.hotswap.agent.plugin.spring.SpringPlugin, org.hotswap.agent.plugin.jetty.JettyPlugin, org.hotswap.agent.plugin.tomcat.TomcatPlugin, org.hotswap.agent.plugin.zk.ZkPlugin, org.hotswap.agent.plugin.logback.LogbackPlugin]
    HOTSWAP AGENT: 9:49:38.700 INFO (org.hotswap.agent.plugin.spring.SpringPlugin) - Spring plugin initialized - Spring core version '3.2.3.RELEASE'

4.Check redefinition

Save a changed resource and/or use the HotSwap feature of your IDE to reload changes


Each application framework (Spring, Hibernate, Logback, ...) needs a special reloading mechanism to keep up-to-date after class redefinition (e.g. Hibernate configuration reload after new entity class is introduced). Hotswap agent works as a plugin system and is shipped preconfigured with all major framework plugins. It is easy to write your custom plugin even as part of your application.


This project is very complex due to a lot of supported frameworks and various versions. Community contribution is mandatory to keep it alive. You can start by creating a plugin inside your application or by writing an example/integration test. There is always a need for documentation improvement :-). Thank you for any help!

What is available?

Should you have any problems or questions, ask at HotswapAgent forum.

This project is similar to JRebel. The main differences are:


See HotswapAgentExamples GitHub project. The purpose of an example application is:

Feel free to fork/branch and create an application for your setup (functional, but as simple as possible). General setups will be merged into the master.

IDE support

None needed :) Really! All changes are transparent and all you need to do is to download patch+agent and setup your application/application server. Because we use standard java hotswap behaviour, your IDE will work as expected. However, we work on IDE plugins to help with download & configuration.


The basic configuration is set to reload classes and resources from the classpath known to the running application (classloader). If you need a different configuration, add the file to the classpath root (e.g. src/main/resources/

Detail documentation of available properties and default values can be found in the agent properties file

Hotswap agent command-line options

Full syntax of command line options is:


Hotswap agent accepts the following options:

How does it work?


Hotswap agent does the work of reloading resources and framework configuration (Spring, Hibernate, ...), but it depends on the standard Java hotswap mechanism to reload classes. Standard Java hotswap allows only method body change, which makes it practically unusable. DCEVM is a JVM (Hotspot) patch that allows almost any structural class change on hotswap (with an exception to a hierarchy change). Although hotswap agent works even with standard java, we recommend using DCEVM (and all tutorials use DCEVM as target JVM).

Hotswap Agent

Hotswap agent is a plugin container with plugin manager, plugin registry, and several agent services (e.g. to watch for class/resource change). It helps with common tasks and classloading issues. It scans the classpath for class annotated with @Plugin annotation, injects agent services, and registers reloading hooks. Runtime bytecode modification is provided by javaasist library.


Plugins administered by Hotswap Agent are usually focused on a specific framework. For example, Spring plugin uses HA services to:

Java frameworks plugins:

Servlet containers and application servers plugins:

JVM plugins - hotswapping enhancements:

Find detailed documentation of each plugin in the plugin project main file.

Runtime overhead

It depends on how many frameworks you use and which caches are disabled. Example measurements for a large, real-world enterprise application based on Spring + Hibernate, run on Jetty.

Setup                        | Startup time
Run (plain Java)             | 23s
Debug (plain Java)           | 24s
Debug (plain DCEVM)          | 28s
Agent - disabled all plugins | 31s
Agent - all plugins          | 35s

How to write a plugin

You can write plugin directly as a part of your application. Set pluginPackages=your.plugin.package inside your configuration to discover @Plugin annotated classes. You will also need agent JAR dependency to compile, but be careful NOT to add the JAR to your application; it must be loaded only as a javaagent. Maven dependency:


See ExamplePlugin (part of TestApplication) to go through a commented simple plugin. Read agent readme to understand agent concepts. Check existing plugins source code for more examples.

Creating Release

Launch script in the main directory. Currently, you have to set up JAVA_HOME location directory manually. At least Java 11 with DCEVM should be checked before a release. All automatic tests are set to fail the whole script in case of any single test failure.

Go to the directory representing repository root. In case DCEVM is named dcevm

mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform


Hotswap agent: