HouraiTeahouse / FantasyCrescendo

A 2.5D Touhou Platform Fighter, By the fans, for the fans.
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Replace InControl with Unity's new Input System #293

Closed james7132 closed 6 years ago

james7132 commented 6 years ago

The new input system is looking to potentially replace the old crufty input system unity uses with generalized support for gamepads like InControl does, with much lower level control over the inputs and matching We'll need to create a new InputSource for this system.

The new input system is expected to land in preview status in 2018.3 with a potential stable version in 2019.x or 2018.4.

james7132 commented 6 years ago

It seems to work in its current alpha version, replaced as of e9d331cd4cbb59bcc7812a7b8c13a79262533898