HouraiTeahouse / FantasyCrescendo

A 2.5D Touhou Platform Fighter, By the fans, for the fans.
GNU General Public License v2.0
107 stars 29 forks source link
c-sharp doujin fangame touhou unity3d


License Docs Join the Hourai Teahouse Discord Chat

Fantasy Crescendo is a collaborative community project to create a Touhou Project fangame akin to that of Super Smash Bros.

This project does not only consist of code contributions, and many of the assets included are custom art, music, sound effects, and 3D designs created by community submissions. For a full list of credits, see the credits file in the repository.


The recommended way of installing the game is through the dedicated game launcher. The launcher will automatically download and update the game with the latest builds from the project's Unity Cloud Build piepline:

A few important notes:

System Requirements

While still in development, we do not have a fixed set of minimum hardware requirements for the game. However, it is recommended that you are running at least the following:

In testing the game while still in development, please understand that the adequate hardware to run the game may change at any point, and performance regressions are to expected.


This is an open community driven project. Contributions are very welcome. Code based contributions can be received and reviewed publicly on this repository. Non-code assets like BGM or 3D models are best sent through and collaborated on in our development Discord server, linked above. For more information, please read CONTRIBUTING.md.

For documentation while contributing, including how to set up the project, refer to the project documentation site, which has detailed guides on how to [set up the project])(https://docs.houraiteahouse.net/FantasyCrescendo/guides/project-setup), as well as the API reference.


First and foremost, Fantasy Crescendo ~ Rumble Dream Ensemble is a derivative of Touhou project. Thus, we ask that any redistirbution or derivative of this project adhere to the guidelines created by ZUN, viewable in English here.

Furthermore, original Fantasy Crescendo content is licensed under two seperate liscenses depending what content is in question: