Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above.
Before you open an issue, please check if a similar issue already exists or has been closed before.
Remember to file one issue for every bug you see. If you wish to report multiple bugs, seperate them into different issues. Do not group up bugs into a big monolithic issue.
When reporting a bug/issue:
Fantasy Crescendo Version: 6/24/2020 version (I dunno what the version number is, sorry)
Operating System:
Expected Behavior: loading training room with the camera focused on the player character
Actual Behavior: 2 player portraits are spawned (1 too many) and the camera is locked into a spot in the middle of nowhere
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
open main menu in unity editor,
go to training
select any character
load training room
(optional) Possible solution/fix/workaround
Other helpful information:
Attach the relevant output_log.txt in the fc_Data folder.
I get this error message in the unity debug log:
Assertion failure. Value was not Null
Expected: Value was Null
HouraiTeahouse.FantasyCrescendo.Players.PlayerDisplayFactory:Preinitialize(PlayerConfig, GameObject) (at Assets/Code/src/Runtime/Player/Components/PlayerDisplayFactory.cs:30)
When you open an issue for a change/improvement/feature request:
A description of the problem you want solved
Why you believe this is a problem
If the feature changes current behavior, reasons why your solution is better
(optional) Possible solution/fix/workaround
If I were to take a shot in the dark about what could be causing this, it may have to do with the simulation also being recognized as the player character or something. I dunno, it's a guess.
When reporting a bug/issue:
Other helpful information:
in thefc_Data
folder. I get this error message in the unity debug log:Assertion failure. Value was not Null Expected: Value was Null UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:IsNull(RectTransform) HouraiTeahouse.FantasyCrescendo.Players.PlayerDisplayFactory:Preinitialize(PlayerConfig, GameObject) (at Assets/Code/src/Runtime/Player/Components/PlayerDisplayFactory.cs:30)
When you open an issue for a change/improvement/feature request: