HouraiTeahouse / FantasyCrescendo

A 2.5D Touhou Platform Fighter, By the fans, for the fans.
GNU General Public License v2.0
107 stars 29 forks source link

Character percent portraits appear twice and the camera displays somewhere other than the stage #304

Open JoshHux opened 4 years ago

JoshHux commented 4 years ago

When reporting a bug/issue:

  1. open main menu in unity editor,
  2. go to training
  3. select any character
  4. load training room

Other helpful information:

Assertion failure. Value was not Null Expected: Value was Null UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:IsNull(RectTransform) HouraiTeahouse.FantasyCrescendo.Players.PlayerDisplayFactory:Preinitialize(PlayerConfig, GameObject) (at Assets/Code/src/Runtime/Player/Components/PlayerDisplayFactory.cs:30)

When you open an issue for a change/improvement/feature request: