HoverBaum / unsplash-scraper

A simple command line scraper for unsplash.com.
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Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

A simple command line scraper for https://unsplash.com/.


git clone git@github.com:HoverBaum/unsplash-scraper.git

cd unsplash-scraper

npm install

node crawl.js [startPage] [endPage] [folder]

Commandline variables:

startPage The page to start with (this page will be scraped)

endPage The last page to scrape (this page will be scraped)

folder The folder to save the images into. No trailing '/'.

Example call

node crawl.js 1 4 images

This will scrape pages 1-4 into the folder images. The folder will be inside the currently active folder and will be created if it does not exist.