HuaYuXiao / Fast-Planner

[RA-L 2019] A Robust and Efficient Trajectory Planner for Quadrotors
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Fast-Planner is developed aiming to enable quadrotor fast flight in complex unknown environments. It contains a rich set of carefully designed planning algorithms. Modified from dyn_planner

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Planning模块从fast-planner框架借鉴而来,可以实现无人机快速自主飞行。 框架前端kinodynamic路径搜索,后端采用基于样条的轨迹生成,同时还包含了时间调节系统。 Fast-planner可以在及其短的时间内(几毫秒)生成高质量轨迹(依赖增量式sdf地图构建,速度很快,但不是全局更新)。 这里由于建图工作(mapping模块)在别处完成,采用引入全局地图输入,利用sdf_tool生产全局sdf图,然后对系统做软约束优化。

Robust and Efficient Quadrotor Trajectory Generation for Fast Autonomous Flight, Boyu Zhou, Fei Gao, Luqi Wang, Chuhao Liu and Shaojie Shen, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2019.

Release Note


Before use, make sure you have installed following packages:

catkin_make install --source src/Fast-Planner --build build/fast_planner


roslaunch fast_planner simulation.launch
